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Darts: Martin Lukeman hires Rob Cross and sets up for sensational semi-final at Grand Slam of Darts

Darts: Martin Lukeman hires Rob Cross and sets up for sensational semi-final at Grand Slam of Darts

The Grand Slam of Darts is now one of the world’s most popular races. Martin Lukeman is set to take charge next time, and he is also Turnier at Wolverhampton Rob Cross to play and get a prize in the semi-final.

Zum 2 Mal in this Turnier standen sich Lukeman and Cross bei ce Grand Slam of Darts gegenüber. The men moved into the group phase and Lukeman scored 5-3. This is one of three seats for Smash in the group stage. Lukeman beat Peter Wright (5-0) and Leonard Gates (5-3). I’m in the England 39’s final thanks to Ross Smith (10-5).

Discover the Grand Slam of Darts 2024 under our LIVE TICKER!!!

Zu Beginn ging das Spiel jedoch schnell in Cross’ Richtung. Three 15-Darters and one 14-Darter cross a 5-1-Führung, die aber wie Schnee in der Sonne verschwand. A 93er Finish and an 86er Finish are halbierten den Rückstand auf 5-3. A 14-Darter and a 12-Darter are considered for auszugleichen leg play.

Next 2 weeks Pause ging Smash mit 8-5 in Führung. Cross kämpfte sich put a 14-Darter heran, but Lukeman machte put a 144er-Checkout das 9-6. Cross verkürzte den Rückstand auf 9-8, Indem er 104 et 113 auswarf, et then stands es 9-9 on a 14-Darter. Beide Spieler hielten dann ihr eigenes Leg zum 10-10 Zwischenstand nach 20 Legs.

Now let’s take a break until Lukeman die Kontrolle. There are three legs in the flight, before a 13-Darter Warf cross and an 11-13 Herankam. Lukeman shot and made an 89 at 14-11-Ausgleich. With a 14-Darter and a 74er-Finish, Lukeman came into the final position of 16-11.

With Lukemans Sieg, he is undoubtedly one of his most advanced finalists in the Grand Slam of Darts, then Smash will be from Mickey Mansell. Samstagnacht werden die letzten beiden Viertelfinale gespielt, bevor am Sonntagnachmittag die Halbfinale statttfinden.