
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Livesendung zu “KI und wir” – Does kann KI work? “Einstein” can verify reality! -Wissen

Livesendung zu “KI und wir” – Does kann KI work? “Einstein” can verify reality! -Wissen

On November 21, Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller will present artistic intelligence with playful experiments – together with the public for art and home. SRF sends live to ETH Zürich, a KI research hotspot.

Anfassen and ausprobieren: Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller put the big Hype around an artistic intelligence in the ramp of the Live-Bühne. The big Frage: Was it possible to see – and what: heute and jetzt?

In this “Einstein special”, the KI 90 Minutes lang auf den Zahn gefühlt. Ohne Netz and double Boden. Mit dem Ziel: KI live erleben, Hintergründe transparent machen und einordnen.

Einstein-Moderation Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller for a virtual Live-Bühne with Roboterhund.
Legend :

Künstliche Intelligence im Schlaglicht

Top or Flop: Was KI able to do it and tell us everything was fine. Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller work in an “Einstein special” at KI-Realitäts-Check. Live at ETH Zürich.

Copyright: SRF/Gian Vaitl/anybotics

This Realitäts-Check can be published by the public and the house for interactive image models. And it can be difficult to move on.

Von künstlicher Musik et tiefer Täuschung

How can you write a song about Knopfdruck? Lässt sich unterscheiden, ob Musik von einem Menschen ou von der KI komponiert ist? For all: Do macht das mit und welche Fragen wirft das auf?

We offer you wholesale images, pictures or videos, which are in Deep Dive on the theme “Deep Fakes”. Together with Melanie Kömle and Matthias Heller from SRF-Netzwerk Faktencheck, we analyzed the errors. This is what happened, as Generative KI 2024 was implemented by the media and it was possible to learn how to do it.

The KI-Sidekick and an ausgebuffte ESC-Lüge

It is also broadcast with the KI itself: the avatar “Ava” acts live as a moderation sidekick. Your Tamer is digital editor and KI expert Guido Berger – he is ready to help you train KI and organize the backend of this tech company.

In a satirical article of the time, the comedian and KI-Nerd Patrick Karpiczenko, the creative head of KI can address him: He has a complete set of the world generated by KI in the picture and in the world, in Liechtenstein – and also in reality – which is also in the Eurovision Song Contest. war. Verblüffend.

A simple project: I am doing a making-of which gives a glimpse of the design of the production of KI tools. Was it fasciniert uns daran, was it stösst uns ab? Schnallen Sie sich an!

KI-Experiments on Anfassen and Nachdenken

ETH-Roboter and Switzerland as KI-Forschungshub

“Einstein” is sent live from ETH Zürich, a KI research hotspot. In the game Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz is an immer wichtigere Rolle. Sie wird zur “KI mit einem Körper”.

A robot appeared, like the tools complex and was the ideal product for robots. And the robot dog “ANYmal” is one of the first animals in the world – and an autonomous dog that lasts a long time.

With ETH Professor Roland Siegwart, the research group in this business sector created a pioneer role, which launched itself into robotics and KI and realized the role of the Swiss training stand by playing together.

Der nächste Schritt: Augen für die KI

Was it past, when ChatGPT and Co. do not have more text to display, sondern mit eigenen Augen auf die Welt licken? With interactive demonstrations, there is “Einstein” very soon, which is the KI of the night. And just like that, for the blind and the sehinderte Menschen zum Gamechanger, we are ready.

The Ort and the House of images can be published. SRF offers an expert chat on the theme “Artistic intelligence” and: here is a KI page which answers a question. All information found here


Flip box
Zuklappen box

Legend :


“Einstein Special” live: “Was kann KI wirklich?”

SRF 1, Donnerstag, November 21, 2024, 8:10 p.m.