
Mondor Festival

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Daniel Süle wins the 2024 Monin Cup

Daniel Süle wins the 2024 Monin Cup

The bartender at the Gibson Bar in Berlin settled his drink with Drink Levitation by.

Cocktails with wine or sugar without alcohol in trend. And this is how the Monin Cup is held, under the motto “Low is More”. Gefragt waren Kreationen mit maximum 8 Volumenprozent Alkohol.

Das Deutschlandfinale des Kräftemessens fand im Monin Studio in Düsseldorf statt. The finalist is the 27th anniversary of the 27th anniversary of the German cocktails, but the high end Jury will be with the Cocktails over the course of the year.
Very good with Daniel Süle at the Gibson Bar in Berlin with his drink “Levitation” with maximum punktzahl. Seine Kreation is based on VS Cognac 0% and combines the products Monin Le Fruit de Monin Williams Pear, Le Concentré de Monin Ginger and Paragon Timur Berry.

Süle wird nun Deutschland beim Worldfinale of Monin Cups at der Villa Monin in Bourges, France, vertreten. We offer you a partnership with Marian Krause, top bartender, from Grid Bar, Cologne, in an exclusive taught training program.