
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Raid: Delegation aus Raiding bei Weintaufe in der Gemeinde Grafenwörth

Raid: Delegation aus Raiding bei Weintaufe in der Gemeinde Grafenwörth

A besondere tradition was created that year: a delegation within a raid took care of the Ortsteil Feuersbrunn in the Grafenwörth partner and ended up in the Weintaufe region. Neben geselligem Austausch et kulinarischem Genuss brachte die Gruppe auch ihre eigenen Jungweine mit und trug damit zur Vielfalt der Veranstaltung bei.

RAID/GRAFENWÖRTH. The delegation of Mayor Markus Landauer and construction entrepreneur Friedrich Schumitsch was led by the delegation of Mayor Markus Landauer, who led the association together with the Raidinger Vereinen association of partners. The company is not in the frozen time, the new years of the nearby region, but also the friendly associations of zwischen raids and the vertiefen graphics.

Mayor Markus Landauer said: “This is training work, like the well-being and will of our partner Grafenwörth. Solche Veranstaltungen is a wichtiger place to help us plan and promote Austausch culture.

The company is not in the frozen time, the new years of the nearby region, but also the friendly associations of zwischen raids and the vertiefen graphics. | Photo: Markus Landauer

Weintaufe ist eine Ehre

Auch Friedrich Schumitsch says the wine restoration company as a platform for the regional wine sector and the association: “Our Jungweine in Feuersbrunn presents people, it is not a person, but only one thing, quality is our job.”

The Raidinger delegation is present at Jungweine in Feuersbrunn in the present Gemeinde Grafenwörth. | Photo: Markus Landauer

The restaurant in Feuersbrunn is accompanied by a party segment, a comprehensive Rahmen program and numerous regional specialties, which wage war against a large company and a larger number of partnership companies for the Gemeinschaft.

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