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Young men must be taken: Dezenter Wohnungsmangel im Gailtal

Young men must be taken: Dezenter Wohnungsmangel im Gailtal

GAILTAL. Immer weniger Mietwohnungen et Miethäuser stehen zur Verfügung, während Wohnbaugesellschaften ihre Immobilien lieber verkaufen, anstatt sie zu vermieten. So that old young men and families die, they are in the large city of Spittal, in Villach or in the state of Villach, to find a leistbaren living space.

Dramatischer Mangel

Im gesamten Gailtal herrscht ein dezenter Mangel an Mietwohnungen. The new objects offered are among themselves very difficult to obtain or the price exceeds the budget of young men and families. This Mangel does not apply to the town of Hermagor itself, but also to the municipalities of Kötschach-Mauthen, Dellach, Gitschtal, Nötsch, Arnoldstein and Kirchbach. “Mit heutigem Tag stehenfünf Gemeindewohnungen in Arnoldstein zur Verfügung, wobei sich vier davon in der ‘Brauchbarmachungsphase’ befinden. Derzeit sind 88 Personen als wohnungssuchend gemeldet”, declared Monika Tschoffenig-Hebein vom Sozial- und Wohnungsamt der Gemeinde Arnoldstein. In these ländlichen regions there are more objects of various objects than the market, which are also where the market is located in our largest area. “Derzeit läuft ein Recontructingprojekt (Anm.: Altbestand wird für Neubauten abgerissen) on Sebastian Mayr Weg. Two residential blocks of the unit during the 60s were removed and for three construction objects with 50 housing units integrated into my ” Meine Heimat” Although no new projects will be carried out in the coming months, another reconstruction project is currently within from the state of Carinthia, Tschoffenig-Hebein said.


The price in Villach or Spittal is very high, because the furniture and accommodation are increasingly larger, and the infrastructure – integrated in the connection to the development locations – is the best in the world. For old young men, who die in Hermagor or in the umliegenden Gemeinden aufgewachsen sind, stellt die jedoch eine bittere Entscheidung dar. If you leave the temperature in your home without any restrictions, you will find it in your region where you can find it.

Social binding

The tags Pendeln in Villach or Spittal nach Hermagor are often zeitaufwendig and teuer. You will often find other directions in new directions. The present time is no longer the social liaison to the regional region, but young men will have no choice but to engage in the social affairs of the region. Marion Gallob of the Gemeinde Hohenthurn: “In the big time, this is what makes me think that the Gemeinde als Lebenswerten Ort für Familien und die Jugend zu halten, um der überall zu beobachtenden Abwanderung entgegenzuwirken. The most widespread trend of the Landflucht can be the best source of inspiration, but also the businessman and the locals can orient themselves towards other things, so that the living space of the space is more attractive to men and also to stop them.

Verantwortung Policy

The Wohnungsnot im Gailtal is not a political institution that seeks to solve a social problem that the restless political hand has solved. Sowohl auf kommunaler et auf Landesebene müssen Lösungen gefunden werden, um the Mietwohnungsmarkt zu stärken.