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dynaCERT ernennt Doug Seneshen zum Director et erweitert within Global Sales Oversight Team • news • onvista

dynaCERT ernennt Doug Seneshen zum Director et erweitert within Global Sales Oversight Team • news • onvista

IRW-PRESS: dynaCERT Inc.: dynaCERT is currently Doug Seneshen as Director and member of the Global Sales Oversight Team

TORONTO, ONTARIO– (November 20, 2024) / IRW-Press / dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTCQX: DYFSF) (FWB: DMJ) (dynaCERT or the Companies) now, the Ernennung of Herrn Doug Seneshen zum Le director is responsible for a function of the board of directors of ausüben wird companies.

The new director of dynaCERT, together with Herr Seneshen, in his own perspectives in the field of global management and market strategy of the board of directors, provides the necessary impetus for the expansion of dynaCERT internationally and nationally in Ebony. In your sector-know-how and in your network, you will go through the expansion plans of dynaCERT, which will allow you to realize the overall volume by the climate product of the companies at your disposal.

Herr Seneshen can more than 40 years of study in the international energy sector and energy supply systems and management of production facilities in the direction and management of nuts in the agricultural sector, oil and gas, power supply, distribution and energy. Im Laufe seiner Karriere war Herr Seneshen in the leitender Funktion für Geschäftsabläufe, Firmenneugründungen, Geschäftsumwandlungen, Übernahmen et Konsolidierungen einschließlich der Expansion in neue Märkte and Länder zuständig. Sein Einsatzbereich war vor german der asiatisch-pazifische Raum et Nordamerika.

Herr Seneshen is President and CEO of MTU Detroit Diesel Australia (nunmehr Penske Australia/New Zealand), until 2011 within the company within the Beratungspraxis aufzubauen. In 2014, Penske Transportation Group International was appointed to the board of directors of Penske Automotive Group (PAG) Power Systems and Commercial Vehicle Investments in Australia Pacific (Nutzfahrzeuge). The years 2016 and 2023 were taken by the board of directors of PAG Canada Holdings, for the Canadian operations of Premier Truck Group, in time. Herr Seneshen is the absolvent of Wilfrid Laurier University and studies Volkswirtschaft, Betriebswirtschaft and Philosophy. Im Jahr 2012 schloss er sein Studium an der University of Melbourne ab. It’s war with the Australian Institute of Company Directors and with the support of Gremien and the branch associations.

Doug Seneshen, dynaCERT Director: I have been inspired by dynaCERT’s mission and ongoing writings in water technology. The organization with a committed and talented entrepreneur, as well as the organization of electric motor cleaning missions and pioneering work in the field of water technology, fascinated me. In my role as free director that I have chosen, the acquisition strategy of dynaCERT mitzugestalten and dafür zu sorgen, because our innovations are also in the world of positive investments, our company is involved in your project and thus a long fristiges, and profitable Umsatzwachstum fördern. This is a big business, dynaCERT injections and effort for the global water technology sector to start and scale our work.

Bernd Krueper, president and director of dynaCERT, said: The management of dynaCERT is also Doug Seneshen as director of the companies that want it. I am convinced that it is easier for me to have well-rounded colleagues at Detroit Diesel and MTU. Doug is a Führungspersönlichkeit mit viel Elan et uneinem zielgerichteten Ansatz, die Veränderungen offen gegenübersteht. I appoint our team of experts who deal with stakeholders, leaders, managers and actions, such as Doug Seneshen as a dynamic expert, of our water technology on an international scale from Ebony with all possible solutions.

Jim Payne, President and CEO of dynaCERT, said: Our entire dynaCERT Board of Directors and leadership team includes Doug Seneshen as our leadership. Doug ist mit seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung et seinem Netzwerk a große fachliche Bereicherung et eröffnet uns entsprechende Chancen im Hinblick auf die Verwirklichung nosserer Unternehmensziele. Doug is not active as a director of the company, but he also seeks to help us in building and leading our teams in a preview of the new era and overall expansion in vertical life with their know-how in management and support to the board of directors.

This new publication will be published on November 20, 2024 in Kraft. Order Gemäß Nr. 1, of the dynaCERT action within the current regulatory body, the board of directors of the companies is responsible for managing the companies under the leadership of a new (9) auf zehn (10) erhöht. Companies must be informed of their stock option plan and their $250,000 purchase options from an ausgegeben wurden director, who has been chosen by the directors of the authorized companies. I had this option until November 20, 2029 for a price of $0.25 to be paid.

About DynaCERT Inc.

dynaCERT Inc. produces and develops CO2 emissions reduction technology, in collaboration with the company HydraLytica-Telematik, a means of monitoring packaging materials and managing THG emissions, for easier use. iger Kohlenstoffgutschriften für die Verwendung mit Verbrennungsmotoren entwickelt wurde. Im Rahmen der immer wichtiger werdenden Wasserstoffwirtschaft erzeugen wir mit noserer patentierten Technologie anhand a des einzigartigen Elektrolysesystems nach Bedarf Wasserstoff et Sauerstoff. These gases were used for the use of the aircraft, in order to optimize the use, due to a CO2 generator and a slow combustion combustion system. Our technology is compatible with the art and size of diesel engines, such as PKW, wheel suspension, frost construction, house construction and drilling machines for a complete business. Website:


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For the Council

Murray James Payne, CEO

Next information can be found below:

Jim Payne, CEO and President

DynaCERT inc.

#101 – 501, avenue Alliance

Toronto, Ontario M6N 2J1

+1 (416) 766-9691 x 2

[email protected]

Investor Relations

DynaCERT inc.

Nancy Massicotte

+1 (416) 766-9691×1

[email protected]

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