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So, install Hitachi Rail KI for an efficient way to operate your machine.

So, install Hitachi Rail KI for an efficient way to operate your machine.

So, install Hitachi Rail KI for an efficient way to operate your machine.

Hitachi has never installed its own KI platform with over 2000 vehicles installed.

Hitachi Rail is powered by Nvidia, a KI platform for train management.

The technology matches the maintenance costs and warranties as well as the service infrastructure.

This article is the “CXO AI Playbook” article – directly uploaded by industry experts like KI Testing and Nuts.

For the “CXO AI Playbook”, Business Insider published a click on a fall mini-study on KI’s insatz in several branches, underwear and technology-DNA. We already have experienced employees who, because of the problem that arises, with KI launching, are these internal studies and the vision is for KI’s dissatisfaction in the project.

Hitachi Rail, the Japanese association Hitachi Group, offers service provision services for businesses. Nah-, Fern- and Güterverkehrszügen anetwa in den Bereichen Signaltechnik, Rollmaterial, Telekommunikation, Überwachung, Ticketing und Zahlungssysteme. Hitachi Rail has 24,000 Mitarbeiter in more than 50 states.

Analyze the situation: Problem encountered by Hitachi Rail?

Die Zahl der Zugreisenden steigt. Giuseppe Marino, CEO of Hitachi Rail, was briefed by Business Insider (BI) on rail support for train services, maintenance costs, warranties for the service, and guidance for services.

Hitachi Rail has integrated digital sensors, matching the infrastructure infrastructure – wagons, circuits, signaling system and tunnel – for monitoring and knowledge transmission. Doch das Unternehmen wollte artistic intelligence (KI) einsetzen, um die Analyze ceser Daten zu beschleunigen.

“We need to find a solution to get the best infrastructure infrastructure,” says Gajen Kandiah, president and chief operating officer (COO) of Hitachi Digital and co-head of the Hitachi AI Transformation Center, zu BI. “The war page is as follows: Wir erfassen all cese Daten am Rande, weil die Züge ständig rollen, et wir haben internal digitale Fähigkeiten – wie verbinden wir die beiden? »

Gajen Kandiah is President and COO of Hitachi Digital.

Gajen Kandiah is President and COO of Hitachi Digital.
Courtesy of Hitachi

In September I will join Hitachi Rail in Zusammenarbeit mit Nvidia The Hyper Mobility Asset Expert (HMAX) on the market, a KI management platform for digital asset management. This is the case for signal management, signaling and infrastructure for work.

The Hitachi Rail and Hitachi Digital teams collaborated with Nvidia and HMAX Gearbeitet. Laut Kandiah uses Hitachi’s sensors and connection data with the KI IGX Edge platform combined by Nvidia. These are the devices, the dates dort zu verarbeiten, wo sie sich befinden, and not in a central institution or research center.

“Your team works hand in hand with our teams,” he said, Last February, Hitachi Rail worked with Nvidia on the Gearbeitet platform.

KI Platform Bündelt Daten zentral an einem ort

HMAX is also integrated into the railway management and maintenance system. Hitachi Rail combines live data transmission platform with sensors and cameras with KI, to help you solve problems related to network usage and security, both and efficiency of infrastructure.

“We get insight into a huge range of information,” Marino said. “With Nvidia, we can use the AI ​​system solution to solve a simple problem with just one smart thing to solve. »

Giuseppe Marino is the conference leader of Hitachi Rail.

Giuseppe Marino is the conference leader of Hitachi Rail.
Courtesy of Hitachi

Bisher must be able to ensure vehicle safety on public transport and sensors and cameras set to data, such as engine temperature or vibrations, manually. Marino says the KI platform automatically brings this data to a central location, the Data Lake, to analyze the results.

Mit HMAX können Betreiber zum Beispiel Oberleitungen überwachen, reparaturbedürftige Cable schnell identifizieren et Störungen verhindern. Laut Nvidia expects it to be one day, following two videos created one day to organize. Kandiah says, dass die Beseitigung der Verzögerungszeit zwischen Datenerfassung et -analyse die Effizienz, Zuverlässigkeit et Langlebigkeit der Bahninfrastruktur verbessere.

HMAX is also found in other transfer branches

Marino erklärte im Gespräch mit BI, dass Hitachi in den vergangenen Monaten HMAX in more als 2000 Zugwaggons was installed.

It is important to note that the HMAX pays more than 20 percent, the cost for the price is 15 percent and the transport costs in the Zug depots are reduced to 40 percent. Kandiah says that the technology and costs of managing Züge services, “sodass ein Betreiber die Möglichkeit hat, den Züge länger zu betreiben” and the Züge seltener auszutauschen.

Marino says Hitachi Rail and the HMAX company are working on other railways, even in the Copenhagen metro in Denmark. It turns out that the technology is also present in other industries with large infrastructures, as is the case today. Energy sectoreinsetzbar sei.

The companies said they were as good as the quality and analysis of the data points that the HMAX was there as well. “So viel wir wir tun, lernen wir auch,” said Kandiah. “Where does the potential of products and technology begin to be exploited – how can we expect implementation solutions?”