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Adam and Eve go to Christmas and more free fun games at

Adam and Eve go to Christmas and more free fun games at

Spielbeschreibung zum Online-Spiel “Adam and Eve go Christmas”:

If you are looking for a good Jump’n’Run game? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! “Adam and Eve go Christmas” is a free online Jump’n’Run game, which is not within the reach of every man, who feels good, the man also in the Steinzeit bereits das Fest der Liebe and the family won their hat.

Their aufgabe in “Adam and Eve go Xmas” is that Adam zu helfen, seine Geschenke einzusammeln, and that he cannot be entrusted to Eva zurückzubringen. So that you can use it, you will not have more with your favorite dishes at the keyboard. Adventures take place throughout the game and take place in small and varied natural locations.

Yesterday I heard Tips: The fall is due to the fact that the Betätigen of Hebeln is also on and off. Halten Sie beim Einsammeln der Geschenke stets aussi die Augen offen et sezen Sie Adam keinen unnötigen Gefahren aus.

Genießen Sie im kostenlosen Online-Spiel “Adam and Eve go Xmas” a game of chance during the story and romantic pastime. Aber vergesen Sie vor lauter Spielfreude nicht, auch eigene Geschenke zu besorgen!

Hier game If you have Registrierung or Anmeldung, you will also be able to do so.