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Romantische Komödie: The Big Sick | BR Fernshen | Fernshen

Romantische Komödie: The Big Sick | BR Fernshen | Fernshen

Emilys Eltern Beth (Holly Hunter, Links) and Terry (Ray Romano) find Kumails Auftritt sehr unterhaltsam. | Image: ARD Degeto/© While You Were in a Coma, LLC/Nicole Rivelli

Night at Donnerstag, 28.11.2024
12:50 a.m. to 2:40 a.m.

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BR Fernshen

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 2017

Kumail lost his job with water and fell victim to a career as a comedian. Be sure to let go and release self-contained Gags with your Pakistani Herkunft. Erfolgreicher als auf der Bühne ist der charmette Kumail im Smalltalk nach der Show: Mit seinem Wortwitz schafft er es, die Zuschauerin Emily auf einen Drink einzuladen.

During a one-night stand, an affair occurs, but it is not directly related to your life planning. Emily will be interested in her knowledge of psychology and Kumail will be able to understand the traditions of her family, but she will also be introduced by a friend, who is not from the other era.

Dennoch entwickeln beide tiefe Gefühle füreinander. After Emily is interconnected, Kumail has his happy position in the house and is so close to the Pakistani government for an arrangement that allows him to get in touch with Schluss.

This is not the end of their story, denn Kumail is sweet for Emily with a lebensgefährlichen Erkrankung in Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird. I am Koma liegt, I teach it to Eltern Beth and Terry Kennen. You can still see the length of time and length of time. Kumail of course, he is for a schmerzhaften Entscheidung steht, sweet Emily will be aufwacht.

The romantic comedy “The Big Sick” is based on the own knowledge of mastermind Kumail Nanjiani and wife Emily V. Gordon. They offer you a complete booklet for the shooting of their films, low legal obligations and a commitment for Oscar nominees.

On the Credible Actors and Series Stars page, Kumail plays Zoe Kazan as Emily. In the high-quality ensemble are the three best Oscarpreisträgerin Holly Hunter and the cult comedian Ray Romano as Emilys Eltern.

With real characters portrayed, amazing dialogue and culture shock points created by independent producer Judd Apatow, they have produced, in a more thorough way, the best film in American cinema.


Rolled: Actors/Darstellerinnen:
Kumail Kumail Najiani
Navé Adeel Akhtar
Emilie Zoe Kazan
Beth Holly Hunter
Terry Ray Romano
Sharmeen Zenobia Shroff

Michael Showalter

Harald Steinwender