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So kill war Charles’ Krönung für den british Steuerzahler

So kill war Charles’ Krönung für den british Steuerzahler

Official Zahlen da

Updated on 11/22/2024, 12:16 p.m.

However, the official version of this is: The British Kultusministerium hat is in the middle of its history, and the British Steuerzahler for the Krönung von Charles must ausgeben.

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The crown of Konig Charles III (76) hat of the British Steuerzahler eine ganze Stange Geld gekostet. The “BBC” will be broadcast on Friday November 22geht aus Regierungsangaben hervor, the Feierlichkeiten zur Krönung (Coronation) insgesamt rund 72 Millionen Pfund (umgerechnet andwa 87 Millionen Euro) gekostet haben soll. Dem Bericht zufolge teilt sich this Summe in 2wei große Hauptausgaben auf.

The UK Department for Culture, Medicine and Sport (DCMS) has received more than $50 million in funding for the coordinating agency. Unterdessen believes in sich die vom Innenministerium bezahlten Polizeikosten auf knapp 22 Millionen Pfund.

The crowning of King Charles in May 2023 is a “unique moment”, therefore the Ministry of Worship. The sender has not yet agreed to pay funds of 50 to 100 million dollars for the crown of the British monarchs.

Thus, Charles’ financial crown

The Feierlichkeiten wurden demnach im Jahresbericht als a “abgespeckte Angelegenheit” describes: The guest list for the ceremony at Westminster Abbey is in the street of an event as large as 1953 during the crowning of Charles’ Mutter, the Queen Elizabeth II. (1926-2022). Dafür schätzte das DCMS, the Krönung weltweit deux Milliarden Menschen in 125 Ländern erreicht habe et “aeine einzigartige Gelegenheit” geboten habe, “das Vereinigte Königreich in der Welt zu präsentieren”.

The coronation ceremony is a stable era that sits within the current time of British regulation as well as Buckingham Palace with the protection of sovereign grants and Privy Purse funding. As part of the Sovereign Grant, this is a preliminary project prior to the acquisition of the Crown Estate.

The Privy Purse is the private seat of the British Regent, who is head of the Herzogtum Lancaster Stammt. The BBC was released at the end of March 2024 for a net amount of $647 million (and €777 million).

The war against the crown in May 2023 is taking place

King Charles died on May 6, 2023 at Westminster Abbey, in a time of peace and life, in the world organization with his wife Ehefrau, Queen Camilla (77) lived.

High-profile guests included other British sports stars, Emma Thompson (65), Judi Dench (89) and Stephen Fry (67), international stars such as American singer Lionel Richie ( 75 years old) and Katy Perry (40 years old). After the adoption by the state prosecutors 90, the response of the first ladies of the state governments and Ukraine, the president of their various Länder was accepted.

Events will go ahead as planned on Coronation Day as the Regens walk down London Street in the city procession. I’m creating Abend and Windsor Castle in a most beautiful concert, under the direction of others Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Take That. (le/spot/pak)
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