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Pole-Favorit on the zehnten Platz durchgereicht

Pole-Favorit on the zehnten Platz durchgereicht

( – It’s a good way for Lewis Hamilton to get through qualifying: the actual war with the British in the two best practice sessions and the faster pace of Mercedes in Las Vegas were made angry with the Angriff at the pole – the whole world at the end of the Teamkollege George Russell teamHamilton doesn’t know where the place is.

News photo: Lewis Hamiltons tiefer Fall: Pole-Favorit at the zehnten Platz durchgereicht

It’s not clear: Pole Stats gab’s P10 for Mercedes-Star Lewis Hamilton



A herb Enttäuschung für den Briten, der in Q3 keinen schnellen Versuch über die Linie brachte: “Eh war ja Schnellster, glaube ich, noch in Q2. Es waren dann stop die deuxwei Runden in Q3, car hater es nicht mehr zusammengebracht”, comments Mercedes-Teamchef Toto Wolff bei Sky: “Aber bis dahin ist das Auto richtig gut gelaufen.”

The Silberpfeil-Boss said: “We have natural things, when we are at the forefront of things that have started. Then there are more game variants.” He went to the third quarter to attend the Hamilton-Show tournament in Las Vegas, the leader of the world of the world went to the qualifiers to ensure that he was on the eve of the war, a pole in road.

“I did not have time to understand employment, the automobile industry ended up in the third quarter and the stability war did not take place within the group, and I did not do it in the other sessions so far But at one end I didn’t have time to run.” , won’t Hamilton have time nach Ausreden suchen.

Reifen falsch vorbereitet: Hamilton sees “Dominoeffekt”

An entrepreneur is offered products from Reifen: “Reifen waren schwierig, deshalb haben wir uns für die Vorbereitungsrunde entschieden, et la guerre against false entry, also überhaupt eine zu machen. And ann ging von da aus quasi der Dominoeffekt los” , written by the World Recorder.

Another problem: So, it is likely that Mercedes tends to move away from the Schwierigkeiten until it is specific to its performance, according to Hamilton: “Wir Glauben, es liegt an den Reifen, but we are not I don’t agree, but these women feel bad. It has to be with that. The temperature is at the same time as the Silver Star.

News photo: Lewis Hamiltons tiefer Fall: Pole-Favorit at the zehnten Platz durchgereicht

Lewis Hamilton’s grand feuerwerk takes place in the third quarter in Las Vegas aus



Also the Stabilität seines Hecks stellt Hamilton nach dem Zeittraining vor Rätsel: “It’s the war of the intestines, like the man until now and also my rhythm, we see it. And then, therefore, in the third trimester, it has started, it started.”

Then you will see the 39th day of the Rückschlag aber nicht: “Ich fühle mich gut. Ich wünschte, ich wäre auf Pole. Aber George ist auf Pole and the big artig for Team”, verneint er, dass bei hm der Stachel nach der Quali-Schlappe tief sitzt. Stattdessen will be Hamilton positive bleiben and “nach vorne schauen”.

Hamilton Speaks Himself: ‘I Have Pace’

“I don’t have three times more experiences, two more experiences of buying near Rennes,” he said with a click on the nearest stations during the Mercedes tournament in Katar, during of a Sprint search, and during the season finale in Abu Dhabi. “Das Gute ist, ich habe Pace,” said Hamilton selbstbewusst.

The Mercedes driver’s response is that of chief engineer Andrew Shovlin: “Lewis has fantastic speed, after Pech, who is during his run in Q3 with a problem,” said the Briton. The engineer is assigned to work with Mercedes-Performance in Las Vegas: “The automobile has a running race, and this is the first time it has been training in its first race in Q3.”

With the Pole, Russell is under Beweis. Ob Mercedes die Spitze auch im Rennen vertidigen cannn, das möchte Shovlin aber noch beurteilen: “It’s very difficult to know, but I am in contact with the others, was the Long-Run-Pace offered.” For the whole process of thinking about public transport, the temperature of the refrigerator is high, sei “entscheidend” for the public transport circuit, therefore Shovlin: “Wir müssen genau beobachten, wie sich das Rennen entwickelt und gut reactieren, wenn “Wir um den sieg kämpfen wollen.”