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The SCB verliert Topskorer Austin Czarnik – Wechsel von Bern zu Lausanne

The SCB verliert Topskorer Austin Czarnik – Wechsel von Bern zu Lausanne

PostFinance's top scorer Austin Czarnik (SCB) came to a National Bank match in the National Hockey League match of SC Bern, SCB, and HC Davos, HCD, November 22, 2024, ...

Go west: Austin Czarnik wechselt von Bern nach Lausanne.Image: keystone

Eismeister Zaugg

Liga Topskorer Austin Czarnik (31) with SC Bern ends the season and takes on HC Lausanne. Das melden verlässliche Gewährsleute aus dem Welschland. The SCB is sporty in financing the Spur and in the design and transport, implementation of the activities.

11/25/2024, 2:36 p.m.11/25/2024, 3:29 p.m.

Klaus Zaugg

Was Machen eigentlich der Ober- und Untersportchef den ganzen Tag? It is not easy to respect a polemiker’s page. This is the page where SCB General Marc Lüthi found a very quiet minute.


The series from Pannen, the head of top sport Martin Plüss and the head of sports Patrik Bärtschi are listening, this is a very good response. Auf das Begehren un Vertragsverlängerung von Verteidigungsminister Patrik Nemeth sie im Herbst nicht rechtzeitig eingegangen. No, there is a new season for stability in the Gottéron region.

Martin Pluess, SCB sports director, announced the SCB season press conference on August 26, 2024. (KEYSTONE/Peter Klaunzer)

Einst Spieler, nun Obersportchef: Martin Plüss.Image: keystone

Attilio Biasca and Ludvig Johnson, two of the best young players from Transfermarkt and SCB, took part in activities at Gottéron. National operator Yannick Zehnder directed the SCB to court. Philip Wüthrich, one of the best Swiss goalkeepers, comes from Ambri. Yanick Sablatnig is also the Absprung nach Biel and Thierry Bader are not up to Biel geködert.

Swiss partner Dominik Kahun and trainer Jussi Tapola are not harmonized. But without a doubt the Vertrag mit dem finnischen Trainer bereits vorzeitig bis Ende der nächsten Saison verlängert worden.

The Topskorer gets

No, the next Hiobsbotschaft aus der Sportabteilung: Liga-Topskorer Austin Czarnik will be the next season for Lausanne. Das melden gleich mehrere verlässliche Gewährsleute aus dem Welschland.

A logical transfer: The head of sports from Ober and Berne Sport has not yet had the Lausanne coach Geoff Ward and Austin Czarnik who have their place in the history of the NHL in Calgary with high respect?

Lüthi mag nicht diskutieren

Da ist die Frage ja schon un wenig berechtigt et nicht nur polemisch et respektlos, was denn eigentlich der SCB-Ober- untersportchef den ganzen Tag machen. Marc Lüthi responded to this page by saying: “Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Tag.” And it’s connected to the phone. It is a game of SCB nuts within, when it is at the forefront of the Führungs-Doppelspitze der Sportabteilung, which reveals a two Fragen stellen würde.

The SCB has a sporting purpose in the financing fund of the Éperon and is also not a project and a training, the implementation of activities. It’s fast something like Florence Schelling’s diary: The SCB has a problem in sport. Mit dem Unterschied, the ehemalige SCB-Sportchefin ihren Job damals in wesentlich schwierigeren Zeiten zu erledigen Hatte. Is this really the case with SCB?


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  • The recommendation is hockey bag in North America, from 1 (minimum) to 7 (maximum). You need to note before the 3rd match, while you are in the top match of La Liga, and you have the best player.

HCD, SCB, ZSC and ? These clubs are at the height of the Swiss Hockey-Meister

1 / 13

HCD, SCB, ZSC and ? These clubs are at the height of the Swiss Hockey-Meister

HC Davos: 31 Title, September 6, 1986; zuletzt Meister: 2015.

what: keystone / ennio leanza

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