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EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage – Audiophile Tugenden and modern Industry-Design

EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage – Audiophile Tugenden and modern Industry-Design

  • EAT – European Audio Team presents even more the new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage, the Tonabnehmer system you have chosen for the best Ergebnisse entlocken soll.

Nebst feinster Schallplatten-Spieler, Tonarmen et Tonabnehmer-Systemen widmet sich das tschechische Unternehmen EAT – European Audio Team Also Phono-Vorstufen, wobei hierbei stets Röhren zum Einsatz kommen, zählt man doch zu jenen Herstellern, diese auto-fertigten. So the man is also aware of the new experience from the house EAT – European Audio Team, of the new EAT E-GLO II phono stage.

With the EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage you have an in-depth study of a phono system that will allow you to experience the full potential of the Tonabnehmer system in an overview of sound quality.

Schaltungsdesign based on dry Röhren

However, the sound is reduced to the new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage on the einsatz, of the Hersteller set yesterday with the life of ECC83 with the ECC88 and spricht davon, dass die se von audiophile HiFi-Enthusiasten auf Grund their außergewöhnlichen Leistung ganz besonders geschätzt werden. You can expect the design to be naturally based on the Möglichkeit, the Röhren zu tauschen and the Flexibilität mit verschiedenen Röhren-Typen nach Lust et Laune zu experimenten.

Eingangsstufe mit hochwertigem Step-up transformer

One of the features of the new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage is the best for you, man here with a symmetrical set ausgelegte with Lundahl LL1932 ​​​​Step-up Transformer tuned, dessen Verstärkung von immerhin 45 dB maßgeblich dazu beiträgt, dass die The audio quality is integrated so that the Röhren are more efficient and signal processing with Deutlich geringerem Rauschen as well as with herkömmlichen Phono-Vorstufen basierend auf Röhren-Technologie erzielt wird.

The entry is here complete passive ausgelegt and also in der Ausgangsstufe kommen laut Herstellerangaben ausschließlich high Bauteile zum Einsatz, was naturally ebenfalls dazu beiträgt, the new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage a ganz besonders hohe Klangqualität liefern cann.

External Stromversorgung

That said, the connection facilities within the specialist electronics must be made available so that the system organization is suitable for the new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage and the EAT E-Glo 2 PS. Dies gab dentwicklern zudem die Möglichkeit, a besonders leistungsstarke Stromversorgung zu konzipieren, die auf einem nach Kundenspezifikation gefertigten Ringkern-Transformator base. We now have the charm of a wide range of products and a high-end transformer, like the man from Seiten EAT – European Audio Team.

Flexibel for unterschiedlichste Tonabnehmer-Systeme anpassbar

Damit man die Phono-Vorstufe, wie vom Hersteller versprochen, flexibel mit unterschiedlichsten MM as the MC Tonabnehmer-Systemen einsetzen et aus ces bijoux das volle Klangpotential kitzeln kann, bietet the EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage alle relevanten Einstellmöglichkeiten for an optimal Anpassung. In order to achieve timely response and adjustment, status LEDs on the front display above the phono power information. Make sure you have access to the DIP Switch Information page.

Thus, the capacitance of MM tone systems with 50 pF, 150 pF, 270 pF, 370 pF, 520 pF, 620 pF, 740 pF and 840 pF can be optimally adjusted with 10 Ohm, 20 Ohm, 40 Ohm, 80 Ohm, 150 Ohm, 300 Ohm, 600 Ohm and 1.2 kOhm are possible. For the MC tone system, you will find 2.5 Ohm, 10 Ohm, 20 Ohm, 40 Ohm, 80 Ohm, 150 Ohm and 300 Ohm power options. Of course, you can use the phono filter via a zuschaltbaren subsonic filter.

An Anschlüssen bietet this Lösung nebst einem unsymmetrischen Eingang in Form eines Cinchbuchsen-Paars auch XLR for symmetrisch eingebundene Laufwerke. While the Ausgang steht hingegen allein ein Cinchbuchsen-Paar bereit.

Bringt Farbe ins Leben…

The EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage has a very elegant design and a very careful attention to detail: the rows of the phono rear have LEDs that are lit and are placed in light colors. Dies verleihe der Phono-Vorstufe an individual note, therefore EAT – European Audio Team.

KEF Black Friday 2024 Wholesale

Price and Verfügbarkeit

The new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage is available in retail and offers a price of € 8,995,- for the phono amplifier to be mounted on a Piano Black or Makassar panel.

Nubert black weeks 2024

I’ll take care of it…

The new EAT E-GLO II Phono Stage at home EAT – European Audio Team So you don’t have to worry about a huge number of Phono-Vorstufe sounds, the best-known MC- and MC-Tonabnehmer System is available, with the best possible Röhren, it’s possible to listen to this, Elegant Lösung, the audiophile song you’re listening to an edle Lifestyle-Lösungen zu verbinden white.

PRODUCT EAT E-GLO II phono stage
Price €8,995,-

EAT – European Audio Team

EAT – European Audio Team