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Merkel, Maas and Müller in Afghanistan-Untersuchungsausschuss – DW – 27.11.2024

Merkel, Maas and Müller in Afghanistan-Untersuchungsausschuss – DW – 27.11.2024

The most important German political leaders will be the leaders of the Afghan government as part of the German federal government: Ex-Federal President Angela Merkel arrived in December 2021, and she is expected to die from her federal government in August 2021. The radical Taliban Islamists attack the war and the evacuation of the German state office as well as the Afghan army which turns out to be chaotic.

For the head of economic regulation, the memoirs issued under the title “Freiheit” were published, and two of them were damaligen Kabinettsmitglieder an der Reihe: Minister of State Heiko Maas and Minister of Entwicklung Gerd Muller. The Sozialdemokrat (SPD) today decided to go to the Islamist camp in the central city of Kabul in an ausgeschlossen scenario.

Heiko Maas: “Wir haben die Lage falsch eingeschätzt”

On August 16, 2021, the head of the German diplomat must be informed, because he has nothing to do with the need to say: “Wir alle – die Bundesregierung, die Nachrichtendienste, die international Gemeinschaft – wir haben die Lage falsch eingeschätzt.” Wie es dazu kommen konnte, ce Frage konnte bislang kein Zeuge im Untersuchungsausschuss schlüssig beantworten. Das golden also for a high ray of public ministries, Afghanistan kurz vor dem finalen Debakel verlassen hat.

German Federal Minister Heiko Maas published a statement on the triumphs of the Taliban in Afghanistan on August 16, 2021 in the Federal Ministry. It's a gray wall with its Schriftzug "Auswärtiges Amt" and the Bundesadler; Seine Hande liegen auf einem Rednerpult mit Mikrofonen.
August 16, 2021: German Minister Heiko Maas prepares to triumph over the Taliban in Afghanistan Image: Jens Krick/Flashpic/photo alliance

“I didn’t do anything, it’s so serious,” said Maas’s envoy by Fachmann during the restructuring in October 2022. He also said: “The safety time is still the same.” Diesen Satz hat der SPD-Obmann im Untersuchungsausschuss, Jörg Nürnberger, schon von vielen Zeugen gehört. But also warnings from foreign countries for a preview of the events of the Taliban war against the Red Army.

The Regierung glaubte der Fehlprognose du BND

Jörg Nuremberg on Angela Merkels’ Afghan policy Zeiten

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But this information is not directly addressed to the Bundesregierung herangetragen, according to Nuremberg in the DW-Gespräch. The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) takes care of the Auslanddessusklärung zuständige anders. Im Außenministerium seien dann alle Informationen zusammengeführt worden. “And I am finally the man of the Bewertung of Bundenachrichtendienstes angelchlossen, because it is not yet unmittelbar bevorstünde, that the Taliban have the strength in Kabul to act.”

This fatal disaster will take place in Nuremberg, Afghanistan, where the federal regime’s resorts are managed. Thus, in August 2021, the Ministry of Entwicklung under the leadership of the League of Christ Societies (CSU) Gerd Müller began to expand until the Ort tätig bleiben zu können. “Et dementsprechend hat man sich auch darum bemüht, die Ortskräfte so lange wie möglich im Land zu behalten,” says Nuremberg.

“Da hat sich die Bundeskanzlerin tatsächlich bemüht”

Angela Merkel’s description is different. No matter what action is taken, the following Regierungschefin shall be subject to ordinary or modern regulations. Insgesamt sei von ihr wenig direkte Einflussnahme feststellbar gewesen. Nuremberg is also working to ensure a major air evacuation by the Afghan authorities. “Da hat sich die Bundeskanzlerin tatsächlich bemüht.”

On December 5, Jörg Nuremberg and the other ministers of Afghanistan-Untersuchungsausschusses Gelegenheit were led by Merkel. Zur Vorbereitung also allows you to publish information on a Merkel page. Demnach took place on August 13, 2021, the second day after the end of the Taliban siege, by your Verteidigungs Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who telephoned the zugespitzte Lage to inform Kabul.

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel: “Das ist eine überaus bittere Entwicklung”

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Green light for evacuation

In her book, Merkel said of the dramatic story: “I am a mad man asking Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in a conference call with our chief ministers for green lights for the detailed preparation of an operation evacuation.” The images show men, men, men for the Taliban flying towards the world. Auch daran dürfte Merkel bei ihrem bevorstehenden Auftritt im Afghanistan-Untersuchungsausschuss erinnert werden.