
Mondor Festival

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Ehepaar misshandelt et totet more als 75 Tiere – Festnahme au Canada!

Ehepaar misshandelt et totet more als 75 Tiere – Festnahme au Canada!

Grausame Tat erschüttert Canada

It’s a misshandel and totete more than 75 Tiere – it’s also a kind quälen!

A partner in Canada must have high level guarantees for competent companies.

Chad Kabecz (40) and Irene Lima (55) managed to win over 75 and achieve results.

Facebook/Manitoba Animal Alliance

Es sind grausame Szenen!

A near fall stops in Winnipeg, Canada at Atem. The house of Chad Kabecz (40) and Irene Lima (55) lead police in shocking images. This film is now filmed, but it is also 75 years old and totet.

Ehepaar plant sogar eine Kindesmisshandlung

This is a schreckliche Vorwürfe gegen Chad Kabecz et Irene Lima, die im Raum stehen: Verschwörung zur Begehung einer strafbaren Handlung, Besitz von Erträgen aus Straftaten, zahlreiche Anklagepunkte im Zusammenhang mit Zoophilie, Töten oder Verletzen von Tieren und Verursachen unnötigen Leidens bei Tieren. On October 9, click on the hands.

The beams are scanned and analyzed by more electronics installation services, such as CBC News. I offer you hundreds of videos and photos, as well as communications to Lima and cables forward. From May to October 2024, we have more than 75 films or photos filmed, as they did and were sent, by the police in a press release with two people. In the case of Fallen gibt es auch eine sexual Komponente zu der Straftat.

Reading advice: Tiere bekamen kein Futter et kein Wasser! Brutalo-Schlachthofbesitzer vor Gericht

We’ve also explained police communications to both countries, to make sure they have an overview of everything that’s going on. So this is a sexual component. “So we have children, we have children in our lives,” said Professor Stephen Spencer of the Winnipeg police. “Aber es gab eine Planung dafür.”

Tierquäler steckt Kätzchen in Sack – doch es hat Glück!