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JPMorgan offers an article for Just Eat Takeaway – ‘Overweight’ ()

JPMorgan offers an article for Just Eat Takeaway – ‘Overweight’ ()

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyzer) – The American bank JPMorgan took the course of the Just Eat Takeaway program from 1,415 to 1,602 pence and the implementation of an “overweight” program is necessary. With GrubHub’s HR management, management got a glimpse of what’s happening to investors, credits, risks and balance sheets of companies, which are comfortable, senior analyst Marcus Diebel in his forecast report. Einschätzung./edh/ag Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 28.11.2024 / 18:38 / GMT First page of original-Studie: 29.11.2024 / 00:15 / GMT Note: Information on offenlegungsflicht programs bei Interessenkonflikten im sinne von § 85 Abs. 1 WpHG, art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the house of general analysts who will find you