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Sinn Féin moves away from Wahlen: a historic moment for Ireland!

Sinn Féin moves away from Wahlen: a historic moment for Ireland!

Vorfall Wahlen
Clock time 09:00
Ort Delgany, Ireland

In Ireland, the political Landschaft is brodelt! The stimulation began and the first era took place in an interval of the Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen between the three Hauptparteien. An exit poll linked nationalists Sinn Féin with 21.1 percent to Spitze – nur hauchdünn vor den beiden Mitte-rechts-Parteien, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, at 21 percent and 19.5 percent NOW. A dramatic moment for Irish politics!

The test started on Saturday at 09:00 GMT and the first tests took place at the Laufe des Tages erwartet. Doch Vorsicht: Ein endgültiges Ergebnis könnte Tage auf sich warten lassen! The Irische System der Verhältniswahl sorgt dafür, dass die Stimmen der ausgeschiedenen Kandidaten in mehreren Runden neu vertilt werden. Ein Verfahren, das für Spannung sorgt!

A historic moment for Sinn Féin

Mary Lou McDonald, the president of Sinn Féin, saw in these Wahlen a “historic story”, a party of government rights. “Heute können wir a neue Regierung für den Wandel wählen”, think of the Wählern zu. Do you know what you’re looking for: How do you know what to do?

The established parties, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, died in the legislative period left behind by the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) innehatten, stehen under Druck. Simon Harris, Ireland’s young Taoiseach, starred in Luxury Women and Boden revealed, inserting a virally generated clip, into a somewhat difficult to manage gear book. Ein Fehler, der ihm teuer zu stehen kommen könnte!

The global campaign war was sparked by striking debates about households, living costs and travel spending. The political parties in Mitte have pro-business and pro-EU positions, because the Wähler with the reality faced are: economic policies are welcome!

Die Wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen

Irish society is austerely run by Australian direct investment and by investment companies with an interest in the United States. The affairs of US President Donald Trump, affairs on import and transportation companies, have had an impact on the political model of the iris. A risk, the Wählers cannot ignore it!

During 2020 Sinn Féin faced many challenges and I found a partner in Koalitions. Nach wochenlangen Verhandlungen einigten sich Fine Gael et Fianna Fáil auf un Regierungsbildung. Doch die Zeiten haben sich geändert, et le Sinn Féin hat sich mit einer starken Campaign zur Wohnpolitik zurückgemeldet. You present them as the real alternative to the established partners, according to the Unabhängigkeit Irlands in January 1921 until the end of the year.

Die nächsten Stunden und Tage werden entscheidend sein. Is Sinn Féin finally having a big chance, or is anything possible in Alten? The Spannung steigt!

Ort des Geschehens

What are the analyses, this merger is the best: 16
Comments analyzed in social media: 141
Number of Forenbeiträge analyses: 55