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James Holland: “For what is the ‘Wiesi’ of the Schlüssel zum Erfolg”

James Holland: “For what is the ‘Wiesi’ of the Schlüssel zum Erfolg”

Austria and LASK – the clubs are the best of James Hollands Österreich-Karriere. For the Duell seiner beiden Ex-Klubs verrät der Aussie im kicker-Interview, warum das Gespann Schopp/LASK aeine gefährliche Partnerschaft werden kann, warum Philipp Wiesinger Austrias Erfolgsfaktor ist and Welche Parallelen zum Meisterjahr 2013 not zu übersehen sind.

Herr Holland, mittlerweile, has already seen his career as a player. Are you enjoying summer time in Austria with the activities of the KoOperations Club strip club? Your coach Alexander Grünwald is sports director and agent of the middle coach..

Bundesliga – 15. Match game

For my war on my theme. If you have a little bit of fun, it’s about the Young Violets playing, it’s about to be played at night, it’s about to play. Then I became an angebot in the coaching firm, and I had the opportunity to visit A-Lizenz and take my exam at my position. Am Ende des Tages hat es einfach nicht gepasst et das ist in Ordnung.

Am Wochenende steht das Duell Ihrer beiden Ex-Klubs LASK and Austria an. You have the opportunity to win up to 180 pflichtspiele in Teams jewelry. What if you found out what happened next?

This is a good page. Da muss ich aufpassen, was ich jetzt sage. (lacht) Je hatte bei beiden Vereine eine coole Zeit. I have a nice Mannschaften, I have friends who train and I’m very good to everyone. When the game is child’s play I stop there in Austria, but this is my letzter Verein war and this special association with Austria has been created. Das war eigentlich mein erstes Zuhause in Europa. Dort hatte ich ich das Gefühl, dass ich ich wichtigiger Teil einer Mannschaft bin. I handle everything team-related at my home Herzen.

Please see if there are personal balance sheets, if you see them Does Austria have any problems and do LASK have any problems?

Das ist wirklich etwas besonders (lacht). I can go there, because I am a fast LASK player who had a bad experience in Austria. This is where Austria games will allow you to have fun. The war to immerse ourselves in a game, in which we will fall into automatic self-triggering, will occur.

I had the opportunity to live in every area and the fans did everything they could to make it happen. Deswegen gab es da nie eine komische und ungute Situation.

James Holland über die direct Duelle seiner beiden Klubs als Spieler

Do you have this game for you as a professional who really has the difficult duel?

Schwierig nicht, denn ich bin sowieso ein ehrgeiziger Typ, der immer gewinnen will. Likewise, I think of LASK, Austria, my Switzerland or my Oma game. This is what is happening. (lacht) Es war aber auf jeden Fall besonders, weil beide Vereine für mich sehr wichtig sind. I really want to quickly nur Erlebnisse positive. I had the opportunity to live in every area and the fans did everything they could to make it happen. Deswegen gab es da nie eine komische und ungute Situation. I’m going to the beiden Vereinen immer willkommen im Stadion.

In the table, Austria and Dritter vor dem LASK zu founden and hat zudem the Hinspiel mit 2:1 gewonnen. Is there a good Rollenverteilung?

This is probably a game about augenhöhe. Austria is a super Mannschaft and acts in an even more honest form. He is more stable, more defensive. But LASK is also very qualitative and average for a super trainer. Die Linzer werden von Woche zu Woche besser, and of course you will be more comfortable in Markus Schopp’s games. The player should have a fun pass and experience that night. I don’t know, Austria’s favorites are, I think it’s the second good Mannschaften sind, which has a constant time.

Glauben Sie als longjähriger LASK-Spieler, as Markus Schopp et die Linzer un Erfolgsgeschichte werden können?

Markus Schopp is a great coach. Was it in the hat Hartberg geschafft, it is also the blow to be struck. It is easier to cool football games and I find it very positive, when a coach’s manual is clear. With LASK, it is within the reach of a club, of my capital through the capital of the company, offering a better quality of service. Damit cann er also these Spielweise noch better umsetzen. When LASK has decided and Markus Schopp to give the right time, it can be used by other La Liga teams in the same partner association.

Austria’s defensive stability looks problematic. Im Vergleich zur Vorsaison agitert sie no plus offensive. Warum is man, damn, so old erfolgreicher?

Am Ende des Tages gewinnt die Abwehr Meisterschaften. I think player quality is a Trump card. This month is the darkest time of the Kader. More details about Philipp Wiesinger and the bigger Rolle. Well, the Mannschaft is very lively, with several things to do for dizziness and strategy games. There are other Jungs who have security in hand and who are also capable of doing it. And then he has the natural Aleksandar Dragovic, a great football player. It also helps with this stability. Zudem played Manfred Fischer in a defensive role in Mitte and ensured that Job sehr gut. You also have value for the bank staff.

Did you pass the active system to meinung nach einfach besser zum Kader?

I don’t know, but it’s the absolute Heilmittel, but you have to stabilize yourself, before you can launch an offensive attack. When Kader fought, he was offensive with Malone, Fitz, Raguz, Gruber and Prelec as a good player. If you do not know what to expect, the current System will be affected by the current situation. Jetzt est la Mannschaft stable et jetzt kannst du Stück für Stück un bisschen more Offensivfußball einbauen.

It is very difficult, as it is, to do it for me in the trip to Austria during this season.

James Holland by Philipp Wiesinger

Do you think that Philipp Wiesinger is exactly for the second German factory war with a comeback?

Yes, very good. I had the pleasure of doing it, because I did it with life and white, it was for a quality hat. Jeder, der mit ihm spielt, voir das direkt. He’s a great football player with just one game player. He’s been playing two games and it’s unglaublich, because it’s not physical, but it’s also a game at this level. It is very difficult, as it is, to do it for me in the trip to Austria during this season.

Mit Marko Raguz was a former college colleague of mine in a return in a longer time. But if you know what you’re looking for, what’s next?

He’s a superman and he doesn’t have a physicist, but his mental core matches his equipment, because it’s bigger than him. I think it’s another fall, but he’s a player with his best quality. He’s one of the best in La Liga. Uh, it’s a great Abschluss, sowohl links als also right. It is natural that there is an hour of work and you have to throw in extra minutes. Er cann auf jeden Fall wieder auf sein Level kommen.

Sechs Ligasiege in Folge gelangen der Austria zuletzt in der Meistersaison 2012/13. Sie waren mit dabei. Do you see any parallels with ladies?

Auf jeden Fall die defensive Stabilität, die bei some damals ein sehr wichtiger Faktor war et durch die wir letztendlich Meister geworden sind. Naturally we have a hat with Philipp Hosiner, a real Torjäger, the 32 Tore is worth a hat. Das hat unch sehr geholfen. Wichtig wird sein, mehrmals so eine Serie hinzulegen et weiterhin konstante Leistungen zu liefern.

Sind Titelträume erlaubt?

Bei den Fans auf jeden Fall. (lacht) Als Verein bleiben sie bestimmt bescheiden, weil sie wissen, dass es ein langer Weg ist. Sie schauen von Spiel zu Spiel et then wird man sehen, was am Ende rauskommt. Es freut mich aber, dass so eine gute Stimmung herrscht, weil die letzten paar Jahre nicht einfach waren. In Austria there is a rich and cool Mannschaft, who is sympathetic to Jungs and who will give him a job in a fantastic time.