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Clinical studies Phase-III-Study with DFP-14323

Clinical studies Phase-III-Study with DFP-14323

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The current state of knowledge in the current state of affairs allows us to know Afatinib in our phase III clinical study with DFP-14323, by the Japanese Lung Cancer Society in its “Guidelines for the treatment of lung cancer 2024″. ” (veröffentlicht am October 20, 2024) as a trial treatment for EGFR mutation positive (seltene mutation) in non-small lung (NSCLC) aufgenommen wurde, and zwar mit un stärkeren Empfehlung als Osimertinib.

The study of DFP-14323 was carried out in a phase III clinical study (phase III study) in a patient (stage III/IV) with epidermal receptor (EGFR) – Mutation positive, seltener Mutation positive is not a small lung cancer (NSCLC) durchgeführt, wobei DFP-14323 in Combination mit Afatinib (20 mg/Tag) et Afatinib (40 mg/Tag) allein verglichen wird. Intensive treatment with afatinib as initial therapy allows patients with NSCLC to complete these studies.

Studies are carried out in 30 academic institutions in Japan, due to the management of NSCLC and clinical training, in a flexible manner through optimal free progression (PFS). DFP-14323 is a low molecular weight substance (approximately 100% oral absorption rate), which is located in the CD13/APN receptor, which is located in the NSCLC and is known to be active. Wir planen, die Entwicklung en Zusammenarbeit mit einem globalen Pharmaunternehmen voranzutreiben.

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Yasundo Yamasaki, Ph.D.

Director, Geschäftsentwicklung

Delta-Fly Pharma Inc.

Hauptgeschäftsstelle: Tokushima 771-0117, Japan

Telephone: +81-3-6231-1278

Email: [email protected]
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