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Veracode’s Young Innovations Help Entrepreneurs, Software Security Integrate

Veracode’s Young Innovations Help Entrepreneurs, Software Security Integrate

Companies bring Veracode Risk Manager to the market and introduce KI risk management.

LAS VEGAS, December 3, 2024–(BUSINESS FEED)–AWS Re:Invent (Booth 563)Veracodean international employer in the risk management field has many innovations to help entrepreneurs understand Secure-by-Design software for enterprise and security teams that help reduce risk in their Code-to-system Cloud-Ökosystem. Take advantage of the new solutions in Veracode Fix and Veracode Risk Manager – bisher bekannt als Longbow Safety – You can use development software, take risks and complete tasks with just one click in your installation section.

Tim Jarrett, vice president of the product management group at Veracode, said: “To put your money at your fingertips Secure By Design Verpflichtung The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) supports the network, with the integration of cybersecurity into the design and production of technology products. This study aims to invest Veracode further in new functions, supporting Shift-Left security concept and automation that helps avoid errors for users.”

KI-gestützte Fehlerbehebung in der IDE for Entwickler

The razante Entwicklung der KI hat dazu geführt, dass Code heute schneller als je zuvor erstellt wird. Dies stellt Unternehmen jedoch vor die Herausforderung, dass KI-generierter Code etwa den gleichen Prozentsatz an Fehlern enthält Wie von Menschen geschriebener Code. Aufgrund von jahrelang ansammelten Sicherheitslücken in ihren Codes versinken 71 % of the Unternehmen in „Sicherheitsschulden”. You can use effective tools to use the most effective work tools.

Veracode Fix’s young innovations, KI and male know-how, have implemented up-to-the-minute code fixes, so the entrepreneur has not yet implemented code fixes for up to 80% of first-party solutions. haben. For an employer with 2,000 security losses, that’s just one Verringerung des Zeitaufwands für die Beitigung der Sicherheitsmängel pour 2,400 Stunden Sowie Kosteneinsparungen in Höhe von 240,000 US-Dollar im Vergleich zur manualn Behebung.

“We have the comments of the entrepreneur which announce themselves as such, the tool is very schätzen and in its Arbeitsabläufe integrieren wollten. For you to easily find integration solutions like those from GitHub, you will need to use Veracode Fix directly in your integrated Push/Pull-Request activity. “Our flexible GitHub Action allows you to configure all data for a project, all model types are supported, and individual feedback on each creative design model is available,” Jarrett said.