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Rapmusik and Graffiti – Breisach

Rapmusik and Graffiti – Breisach

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Rapmusic and graffiti

Graffiti and rap music are present in the curriculum at Breisach secondary school. In the workshops you will define students and students during the class Vorbereitung, not to mention their name and their own ideas in the composition of graffiti. Angeleitet was invited by the graffiti artist Fabian Bielefeld and the Klassenlehrerin Lena Forget. Zeichenübungen mit der rechten und der linken Hand sorgten für Heiterkeit und new Decoration der Klassenzimmer, teilt die Schulleitung mit. The German-French hip-hop group “Zweierpasch” worked on the Oberstufe schools and schools, on the two higher education schools and on the class Vorbereitungs auf Arbeit and Beruf an Rapsongs with own texts. Die Zwillinge Till et Felix Neumann von “Zweierpasch” führten die Klassen in die Rapmusik un et ließen den Schülern Raum, their ideas specific to the entwickeln. Also these verses of culture and speech are in den text verarbeitet worden. Als Abschluss et Krönung des Projekts trat “Zweierpasch” in der Aula der Gewerbeschule auf. Voller Energie and his motivational lyrics on themes such as history, politics and Europe became the school rapper and did it for one man. The company was financed by the federal “Respekt Coach” program. Pia Höland and Stefan Schmieglitz defended the project school. The idea for a “HipHop macht Schule” project was organized by the German school Lena Forget, and the Spanish school Vivien Dörk and teaching assistant Constanze Witt organized the project.

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