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Fall of Aleppo is Russia’s relief trip

Fall of Aleppo is Russia’s relief trip

Russia expresses its global political ambitions in Syria. No, they cannot be the vanguard of the Islamists without them really being established. In addition to the game’s reputation, it remains with our Moskaus Reputation.

Russia must establish itself, as is the case with the Russian leadership of the city of Aleppo, further than the field of Islamist Austria.

Russia must establish itself, as is the case with the Russian leadership of the city of Aleppo, further than the field of Islamist Austria.

Ugur Yildirim / Dia / Imago

Masculine men work together with the flagpole and a Russian flag in the wind flatters. If you have three items on the Trikolore, then Benzin darüber and zünden das Stück Stoff an. This is how the Syrian Islamists will die at Erfolg in Aleppo. These are new images for Russia, those of the Kursieren social networks and the very contrasting rhetoric of the Moskauer siege. Unerwartet offenbar and ungünstigen Zeitpunkt found the Kreml in Krieg in Syria further, den er long schon als erfolgreiche Operation abgebucht et von der Prioritätenliste gestrichen hatte. It is Russia that is best placed to manage the security position of Syrian dictators Bashar al-Asad and at the same time the region’s own interests.

Kleinlaute reaction

The Russian reaction auf den Rückschlag is small. The Kreml analyzes the situation and then deals with it to ensure the stabilization of Syria, so that President Wladimir Putin speaks out and has to deal with these issues. Im Hintergrund laufen diplomatische Bemühungen zwischen Russland, Iran et der Türkei. The end result is that we have found some funds in Moskau. The Russian Luftwaffe is battling the Tagen Ziele in Idlib and in the cities of Aleppo, Hama and Homs, the support of the Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has been abgesehen.

Among the military comments, as well as the military policies and policies, there is the fight against prevention and nervous surveillance. Kurzerhand was appointed commander of Russian troops in Syria, Generalleutnant Sergei Kisel, by Generaloberst Alexander Tschaiko. Tschaiko hatte früher bereits die Einheiten in Syrian kommandiert. But precisely, the Makel year, for their implementation in Syria with their own rules of conduct in Krieg, in the direction of Ukraine around the time. The Ministry of Verteiding itself published the Telegram-Kanal Rybar which criticized this personal policy. Zu Lange habe der “Syrische Sandkasten” azu herhalten müssen, die Reputation von Versagern in der “SpecialOperation” in the Ukraine reinzuwaschen.

Russian President Wladimir Putin (second right) war 2017 against Syrian President Bashar al-Asad (second link) at the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim point.

Russian President Wladimir Putin (second right) war 2017 against Syrian President Bashar al-Asad (second link) at the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim point.

Kreml via Imago

Russian ambitions

Syrians want Russia to address Grossangriff’s involvement in Ukraine. Putin’s head of state in Syria was wrong. Even in September 2015, in the context of the Syrian civil war, an Asad was able to guarantee security and ensure the status quo in the security country. Zugleich will be Russia as a new Ordnungsmacht in the nearest region established. Also, the Verhältnis zu Iran gestärkt, the Moskau in Ukraine-Krieg unentbehrlich geworden ist.

A Nebenaspekt war against the fight against Islamist forces for Muslims in North Kaukasus and Zentralasien. Russia is present in Syria, where terrorist lands are reduced to nothing. Daran erinnern Kommentatoren auch jetzt, vor dem Hintergrund intensifier Diskussionen in Russland um die Politik gegenüber zentralasiatischen Arbeitsmigranten.

The Russian army is still present, like Putin in its field of action, the practice of education in Krieg. L’offiziere höheren, die ab 2022 en der Ukraine im Einsatz waren, et auch handle niedrigeren en chargen waren durch den Wüstenkrieg gegangen. Today, these war efforts against the Gewissheit, in Syria, are directed towards the leadership of the military regimes and the strong points of the war, as well as the implementation of Rohstoffe for the können.

The Syrian army vehicle was sent to Hama Street on December 3.

The Syrian army vehicle was sent to Hama Street on December 3.

Ghaith Alsayed / AP

Umschlagplatz für Afrika

The Luftwaffen base in Hmeimim and Kriegshafen Tartus is central to Russia’s global political ambitions, notably in Nahen Osten and also in the Middle East and Africa. There is even more to do in the game, as the Hmeimim are at the forefront of the Islamists on the front and, as in Tartus, the rest of Assad controls the affairs that take place. Am Dienstag zirkulierten unbestätigte Meldungen darüber, dass Russland begonnen habe, Kriegsschiffe aus Tartus abzuziehen.

Zwar sagen FachleuteRussia trotted the Krieg against Ukraine to Syria without marking its appearance. Das stimmt aber wohl nur mit Bezug auf die regulären Einheiten. In Syria, Russia is the heart of the Einsatz style of the Wagner private army. Deren Angehörige gehörten zu den wichtigsten russischen Bodentruppen in the Wüstenkrieg.

With Ukraine-Krieg, the point of convergence of Wagner’s forces is heading towards Europe. Die Zerschlagung der paramilitärischen Truppe nach dem gescheiterten Aufstand Jewgeni Prigoschins The summer of 2023 will take place during your Präsenz in Syria until the end. Was von Wagner übrig blieb, wurde als Afrika Corps of Russian Verteidigungsministeriums auf den Nachbarkontinent verlegt. Das Greifen nach Afriká wurde zum new strategic project. The Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim is located either for Russian operations in Africa or as a transit hub. A real disaster for the Syrian leadership was for Russia’s geopolitical ambitions and reputation in a disaster.

Seine Möglichkeiten sind aber beschränkt. Different troops in Syria were sent, as Asad was there, to Moskau ausgeschlossen. Das ginge auf Kosten der Kämpfe in der Ukraine. Russia in Syria is in security and is settling in, Schauplatz is a place for security, and it is right there. Even if Turkey’s fragile states, the past of Islamists which have security obstacles, it is a new threat probe ausgesetzt.

A Syrian opposition took a selfie for the former Zitadel of Aleppo, after the Kämpfer of control was placed under the city's name.

A Syrian opposition took a selfie for the former Zitadel of Aleppo, after the Kämpfer of control was placed under the city’s name.

Karam Almasri/Nurphoto/Getty