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RWTH and FZ Jülich: 2024 grants bring one million grants

RWTH and FZ Jülich: 2024 grants bring one million grants

The European Research Council undertook research for a million-dollar development in youth categories and created research teams and research companies for research teams during this year without getting them all .

Thanks to RWTH Aachen, three research teams took advantage of the Synergy grant created with an amount of 16 million euros and a consolidation grant and a multi-jewel researcher of two million euros with a grant of consolidation. Two young Wissenschaftler at the Forschungszentrum (FZ) Jülich erhalten mit einem sogenannten Starting Grant bis zu trois Millionen Euro.

Funding millions in every category

The European Research Council was established in 2007 by the EU as an organization supporting agriculture and research on business-oriented research projects. The budget for the period 2021 to 2027 costs more than 16 billion euros.

There are several basic guidelines: the start-up grant for young engineers, the consolidation grant for professional activities, the advanced grant for creation and the synergy grant for training teams, for the project “potential for development of the organization. The Advanced Grant is also an in-depth study of prestige acquisition which is first found in the month of April.

Synergy grants

  • With the “Store-and-Forward Energy Grid” project, RWTH professors Antonello Monti, Frank Piller and Klaus Wehrle at Aachener University with their college Frede Blaabjerg at Aalborg University have an exchange organization more stable, more robust, more efficient and more efficient energy. skalierbarer is both the last Stromnetz and the gleichzeitig new Möglichkeiten für Innovationen et die Entwicklung intelligenter Anwendungen bietet.
    Traditionally, the Stromnetze are globally and centrally synchronized. This system is located inside the study center to offer more energy and energy. The researcher’s idea is smart energy routers, energy blowers and universal, flexible solutions for vertebrae and speichers. Die RWTH is the coordinator of the projects and earned 8.1 million euros.

  • Forschende um die RWTH-Professoren Thomas Matschei, Baustoffkunde, et Rostislav Chudoba, Massivbau, arbeiten gemeinsam mit der TU Brünn and der TU Wien an der Erarbeitung von Grundlagen für resourceschonende et ermüdungssistente Betone der Zukunft (“Fatrescon”). Your company is, high security and long Lebensdauer der Bauwerke aus ökoeffizienten Betonen mit geringerem CO2-Fußabdruck zu gewährleisten. Dafür versuchen sie microstrukturellen Ursprünge der Betonermüdung zu entschlüsseln et ihre Auf die Lebensdauer von Betoninfrastrukturen vorherzusagen.

  • Professor Philipp Mertsch, Professor of Theoretical Astrological Physics at RWTH Aachen, will work with the College of the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) in Garching and the Institute of Astrophysics in Heraklion, Greece, to create the Atlas in three dimensions, as part of the exploration of the military galaxy. “Dies wird die Art und Weise, wie wir das Universum beobachten et verstehen, revolutionieren”, says the RWTH mit. The project was coordinated by the Max Planck Institute and the RWTH development study worth 2.9 million euros.

Matrix Consolidation Grants

With a consolidation grant with railway character, ambition and sustainability, a research theme was created. The European Research Council was formed by RWTH Professor Sandra Korte-Kerzel, Professor of the Institutes of Metallurgy and Materials Physics, and RWTH Professor Markus Bachmayr, Professor of Angel Mathematics, in the coming days with jewelry for two million euros. gefördert werden.

“The ERC Grant funding is not intended for research on the general theme, one person at my side is able to achieve the best thing, the team has new and broad expertise every time, it “is absolutely fantastic,” said the company Materialwissenschaftlerin. Your project “Tailorplast” strives to create high-quality plastic processing mechanisms from metals that are both durable and durable. Your Bachmayr College offers you efficient digital management of partial differential measurements in high-dimensional environments.

Seed Grants

Seed grants have been twice innovative within FZ Jülich within the framework of project research with up to 1.5 million euros funded. Nach Angaben des Centers de Forschungs könnten die Forschungsergebnisse des Juniorprofessors Jun Huang gros Fortschritte in der elektrochemischen Energieumwandlung ermöglichen et den Übergang zu ainem nachhaltigen, fossilfreien Energiesystem beschleunigen.

Taner Esat from the Peter-Grünberg-Institute of the FZ is seeking research for research in the field of quantum computing and quantum sensor. “Taner Esat’s mobile quantum system includes the building blocks for the next generation of quantum technology and advanced fortification strategies in the company’s hardware characterization of diagnosis and realization of a new quantum computer,” said the research center of the research center.