
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

David Beckham: What’s the matter with you? Last time after dinner

David Beckham: What’s the matter with you? Last time after dinner

Auf dem festlichen Staatsbankett der royalen Familie ging est hoch her. Auch vieleeminente Gäste waren eingeladen. Darunter David Beckham and Seine Frau Victoria. Wird Konig Charles III. den Ex-Fußballer etwa zum Ritter ernennen?


An article from

Judith Muller

David and Victoria Beckham can be found at the East Gallery, the State Bank of the Emir of Katar, Scheich Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Buckingham Palace with their State Departments in the King's Offices.

David and Victoria Beckham can be found at the East Gallery, the State Bank of the Emir of Katar, Scheich Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Buckingham Palace with their State Departments in the King’s Offices.

photo alliance/dpa/PA Wire

A Zeichen for a person zukünftige Ehrung?

Laut Paul Burrell, Princess Diana’s virtual butler, is the toughest guy in the house and Beckham showed up in the Ritterschlag one day. Im Gespräch mit der Plattform Sling Erklärte Burrell laut Us every weekDass Beckham acted up to this night “nicht alt genug” if and if it is not possible to stark when you engage in active activities, you will be able to take action immediately. a Ritterschlag wahrscheinlich machen.