
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

The Kampfsportler of SV Victoria fell ab sofort weicher

The Kampfsportler of SV Victoria fell ab sofort weicher

Lauenau. The SV Victoria Lauenau sports hall in the Dojo is not in a training center, but also in an association coordination center. 20 years after the arrival of the Judolöwen in Lauenau and the entwicklung der Räume in the Fokus gerückt. The first day is the Bereich with optimized words.

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Seit der Einweihung des Dojos vor zwei Jahrzehnten hat sich viel getan, um die Trainings- and Wettkampfmöglichkeiten kontinuierlich zu verbessern. The young years of this modernization are the new coins, those of a professional, which are managed by a federal construction company. These have been designed and optimized for the safety and comfort of the athlete.

Leinwand in the new kitchen

Doch nicht nur die Mattenfläche wurde erneuert. In the Monaten Vergangenen erhielten auch die Wände einen frischen Anstrich, et la Begegnungszone wurde vollständig renovert. Among them, there is nothing more than a modern kitchen with a set of digital training tools, with the Dojo now being a favorite place and vielseitigere Nutzung ermöglicht.

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Zur Einweihung was named Bernd Schwarz, chairman of the board of directors of SV Victoria Lauenau, the master builder Wilfried Mundt and the stellar Judo master builder Oliver Pietruschke, the Besucher. Highlights of the Dojo’s various sports programs include cross-training, outdoor sports, judo and ju-jutsu.

Cooperation with TuS Apelern

Another Meilenstein, from his Abend who realized this, is the official organization of Judo-Sparta of SV Victoria Lauenau with Ju-Jutsu-Sparta of TuS Apelern. Bereits in the Vergangenheit gab est regelmäßige gemeinsame Trainings et unenen Austausch 2schen den beiden Vereinen. This investment was made during a celebration and a new planning process for Sparten, which will allow you to enjoy and allow you to wash. Zum Abschluss wurde auch die renovierte Begegnungszone officiall eingeweiht et machte ihren Namen alle Ehre