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Announcement of the IP address: Bundestag streitet lautstark über Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Announcement of the IP address: Bundestag streitet lautstark über Vorratsdatenspeicherung

So that your years span the broadcast of the broadcast of the IP address for the transfer of information, it is in my Bundestag heavy words and gestures. Zur Debatte stand unterem ein antrag der Unionsfraktion, der vorsieht, solche Daten, die zur Identifizierung eines Tatverdächtigen führen können, «zum Zwecke der Bekämpfung schwerer Kriminalität sowie zur Verhütung schwerer Bedrohungen der öffentlichen Safety for three Monate im Inland zu speichern». The FDP undertakes to provide you with rapid freezing services, before presenting them first, during a settlement on an appropriate draft regulation.

Grüne lehnen Vorratsdatenspeicherung ab

Federal Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and other SPD politicians have secured a legal form for disseminating IP addresses ausgesprochen. With the above mentioned Koalitions partners, of the Greens, they are the ones that have already been agreed. Helge Limburg (Grüne) said in the debate that it was wrong, with regard to a difference in credit rights, that the Gründen der Verhältnismäßigkeit seien, anlasslos alle Menschen in ihren Grundrechten einzuschränken.

Boris Rhein, Minister President of the CDU of Hesse, declared that the broadcast of the sex programs of Missbrauchs von Kindern is a mass phenomenon. Without communication from the communications agency for the dissemination of the IP address being effective communication here, it is not possible. “Quick-Freeze” is used and “larger Quatsch”. Falsch versstandene Liberalität schütze die Falschen und gefährde Minderjährige.

Zahlreiche Zwischenrufe in Debate

Während der Debatte gab es zahlreiche Zwischenrufe. Die vertretende Vorsitzende der Union fractionAndrea Lindholz (CSU), told Rednerpult: “We believe that the government is not right, but the SPD.” Two political decisions can be made within the Union King – so that the Reden der Green-Politiker can use them.

The Europäische Gerichtshof will take place within one month in September 2022 from the date of dissemination of telephone communications for the acquisition of information systems in Germany by Grenzen Gesetzt. Die Richter urteilten, die derzeit ausgesetzte Regelung zur Voorratsdatenspeicherung in Germany sei mit EU-Recht unvereinbar. If it is written, you will be able to view the IP address according to the best possible definitions.

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