
Mondor Festival

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Restaurants and bars in Munich: A drink in L’Oca Bianca – Munich

Restaurants and bars in Munich: A drink in L’Oca Bianca – Munich

When sunset time occurs in spring, it’s a bit sentimental. Likewise, as the guts of the abgelaufene war year did, the man stopped for a moment and woke up. Gourmet Jonas Messerschmidt has to recommend Silvester vier Jahre auf zum Abschluss broughten. Am 31. December 2020 sperrte er seine Aperitif-Bar L’Oca Bianca First of all, let’s go to the Silvestertag for another day.

Die “weiße Gans”, comme Messerschmidt seine Bar nach ihrem Maskottchen im Logo auch nennt, sei aus den beengten Räumlichkeiten am Alten Messeplatz herausgewachsen, erklärt er. We now have a new standard, a bigger one with Schanigarten, a longer time and an ideal further into the Westend. An Italian bar in Tagesbar is not even better. “The white Gans is here and ends here,” says Messerschmidt.

Zum Abschluss bittet er die “Famiglia”, alle Freunde und Wegbegleiter, zum letzten Aperitif. From 2 p.m. onwards, people can take part in the Oca Bianca party with Daydrinking, Wilden Austern and Häppchen einläuten. Dazu gives DJ music and offers T-shirts and wine glasses. Später trifft sich die “Famiglia” zum Feuerwerk auf der Theresienwiese wieder (L’Oca Bianca, Alter Messeplatz 6, “The last aperitif” on December 31 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., reservations under or by telephone at 089/92587937).

An Advent label for professional integration towards the price Bar Amari I’m at Massmann Park. On December 15, the kitchen team entered a menu with the next departure, from the start at 11:30 a.m. and until the evening it is served by the service. In the menu with fish and meat you will find an example of Bachforelle ceviche, Wirsingwickerl with wild wine and Hirsch blutwurst with Rosenkohl and Schokolade freuen. A vegetarian menu is offered under another onsen-ei with pastries, hand-made parmesan ravioli with salbei and vendors with radicchio and orange. (Amari Bar, Dachauer Straße 90, Acht-Gänge-Menü on December 15 at 11:30 a.m., 99 euros per person, optional menu for 61 euros per person, reservation by email [email protected]).

THE Luitpold block I will be on Saturday for the first Mal one Advent Festival at the Hof. Music and travel just for you Künstlerkollektiv Public possession. This Bingo Bistro in the Glockenbachviertel Steuert Bosna in the Semmel bei, der Integrationsbetrieb Balan Deli a “Grilled Cheese Sandwich” with Kimchi. Also, there is a Belgian Waffle, a raffle and a kindergarten program. (Luitpoldblock, Brienner Straße 11, Adventsfest im Hof ​​​​on December 7 from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.).