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Er began as Lachnummer – and wurde zur Legende

Er began as Lachnummer – and wurde zur Legende

Michael Edwards rose to fame as Eddie the Eagle and advanced to the 1988 Olympics in Calgary for the skiing legend. The Golden Brite is also the first publication published and published in 60. Published.

Michael Edwards Weg zur Spring-The legend is nahm bereits im Jugendalter Formen an, while Eddie is in many sports and such experiences.

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“I am with 13 mit Skifahren and und hüpfte mit den Ski über Kollegen und Autos”, erinnert sich der Brite in der Luzerner Zeitung über seine ersten Sprungversuche.

The novel was born in 1985 within Lauf, as Edwards loses it, in a living space highlighted by the world and one day during the Olympic games taking place around the world. This is the time when British Skispringers talk, along with Edwards’ hand, about local skiing sources and Britain’s international destinations for women. In the main points of Ziel: The Olympic Games 1988 in Calgary.

Everyone else at Edwards

Eddie hatte wenig Geld, for the war seine Hoffnung umso greater. If this is the case for financial reasons, the new training equipment will be available, but the Brite will be able to use other countries. “The Austrian team has the pleasure of skiing, West Germany has a helmet and its helmet is that of the Italians.”

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The workout is tough and effective, with simple built-in structures. There is “genug Angst” which was created, um sich “zu konzentrieren, mais nicht genug, um aufzugeben. »

So it’s the same, dass er bereits nach fünf Monaten Skitraining, the erste Mal a 120-Meter-Schanze hinuntersprang. “For 20 years, with another Skispringer, I have been training for 20 months. » It was only two years ago for the first time to jump for my Olympic game.

Eddie participated in a public performance

Edwards’ Markenzeichen waren seine markanten – and meistens beschlagenen – Brillengläser. Durch seinen äußerst wackeligen Sprungstil lieferte der Brite dem Publikum stets eine Show et avancierte somit schnell zum Publikumsliebling.

Sportlich lief es in Calgary überhaupt nicht nach Wunsch. Sowohl auf der Normalschanze as well as auf ​​der Grossschanze landete Eddie abgeschlagen am letzten Platz. All the rear doors are in the Hintergrund. “Eddie the Eagle” wrote this Tag Skisprung-Geschichte and went to the fans as a clean star of the Olympic game.

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For Edwards, you will have a place in a storage area. “I look at all the Mögliche, also den Schädel 2weimal. But that’s all that was at war, that is, the war of early Britain, of land in the ski slopes and of the Vertrat Olympiad.

“Eddie the Eagle” was released without us, directly to the fans. The Geschichte of a Michael Edwards is both a skurrilsten and a spektakulärsten, the Wintersport jemals hervorgebracht hat.