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Misstrauensvotum in France – “France is for the euro zone ‘too big to fail’” – News

Misstrauensvotum in France – “France is for the euro zone ‘too big to fail’” – News

Barnier’s government also plans the real estate budget for the coming years – and the consolidation of French public finances. The problem is this: France has Griechenland and Italy the worst quotes in the Eurozone. He obtained the Neuer Schulden Prize for France in his field, notably Minister Manuel Oechslin of the University of Lucerne.

Manuel Oechslin

Professor of International Economics, University of Lucerne

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Manuel Oechslin is an Ordentlicher für Volkswirtschaftslehre professor. Seine Schwerpunkte in Forschung et Lehre liegen gemäss der Universität Lucerne in den Bereichen Internationale Economie and Makroökonomie.

SRF News: Frankreich hatte vor 50 Jahren zuletzt ein ausgeglichenes Staatsbudget. How can you have such a long country at the pump?

Manuel Oechslin: La Staatsverschuldung in Frankreich ist über die letzten 20 Jahre von etwa 66 auf 112 Prozent der Wirtschaftsleistung angewachsen. The Challenge takes so long to engage, until the last scenario of the financial policy space is fully integrated. So there is a fiscal consolidation option for policy for a very difficult option. But: when the Wirtschaft is at its closest, the Staatsverschuldung can also sink into Challenges. Dies in the war in France, zumindest in den letzten zwei Jahren der Fall.

This is the political game space, a mass mutual aid network.

In Anbetracht dieser hohen Schuldenlast – sind die unmittelbaren Folgen davon, dass der Haushaltsentwurf der Regierung Barnier gescheitert est?

With the Misstrauensvotum is the budget for 2025 from now on – and also the planned massive investments to the tune of 60 billion euros in the form of Steuererhöhungen and Budgetkürzungen. The new regulations are vermutlich keine parlamentarische Mehrheit haben. Damit fehlt der politische Spielraum, um beeutende Entlastungsmassnahmen durchzubringen.

The EU has a funding program for France this summer. Saniert das Land seinen Haushalt nicht, drohen Strafmassnahmen. To the European Union by bus from France?

Sanctions are not automatically applied during an EU standard-setting procedure. It is therefore a free political state, in all the states united by the same group. The old EU states are facing financial problems of their own. For this background, your desire has particular interests regarding France with borders zu belegen – also wenn das Land seinen Staatshaushalt jetzt nicht entlastet.

France is an economic and political country for the “too big to fail” eurozone.

Last but not least the Situation Griechenlands während der “Eurokrise” mit

Are there any losses in France?

Den Vergleich mit Griechenland stops for me. The French private house takes care of the management of the network and the economy with a click on the remaining European production. This is a great diversification that constitutes a large-scale industrial base and numerous foreign directive investments. Abgesehen davon ist Frankreich as deuxweitgrösste Volkswirtschaft et Gründungsmitglied der EU a politisches Schwergewicht. The bottom line is this: France is at the economic and political heart of the “too big to fail” Eurozone.

There are two recent “Eurocrisis” questions – has France’s problem for the euro zone been posed?

Nicht nur Frankreich must be spared – and other EU states must mind their public affairs. The Kurzfristig verlangsamt dies das Wachstum. Australian laws for the EU must be considered in recent years. Other states can also consult the Blick Geraten: The Verteidigungsfähigkeit or the takeover of Ukraine must take place in Leiden, which leads to a major problem on the continent with a large caliber.

Das Gespräch führte Marco Schnurrenberger.