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Canada Nickel merges subcontractor of two high-sulphide companies on Bannockburn project, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Story

Canada Nickel merges subcontractor of two high-sulphide companies on Bannockburn project, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Story

  • The mineralized thickness is 138 meters northwest of BAN24-18, the 1.61% nickel at 12.0 meters, a 3.95% nickel at 4.0 meters, durchschnitten hat.
  • Delivery BAN24-21 is in Ganges, BHEM-Untersuchung plant

Canada Nickel Company Inc. (“Canadian nickel“or for that”Businessmen“) (TSXV: CNC) (OTCQX: CNIKF) – – therefore, the basement of the Bohrlochs BAN24-20 auf dem unternehmenseigenen Grundstück Bannockburn bekannt zu geben, in dem 15.7 Meter net-texturite Sulfide innerhalb eines disseminierten sulfuridhaltigen Peridotits durchteuft wurden. Bannockburn is one of Nickelgebiet Timmins’ southern exploration groups of entrepreneurs.

CEO Mark Selby said: “We are so pleased that this second Bohrloch at Bannockburn has full intestinal mineralization with a nickel of 1.11% over 10.1 meters depth and sowohl with the geophysical zone, as in the research from favorite Bohrlochuntersuchung. War in identified words, as well as the mineralization of natural resources, are frequently on the agenda, the high potential of these people has proven to be a problem and other top researchers have been identified by the Grundstück Bannockburn.


Grundstück Bannockburn is located 65 kilometers south of Timmins and 20 kilometers west of Matachewan, Ontario, and is in the vicinity of Grundstücke Midlothian and Sothman. Companies are engaging in the first line of the low intensity nickel zone with large tonnages (the B zone) and one region does not identify as well as the material at higher levels.

Bannockburn Area F

Depths of high nickel mineralization, identified in the Bohrloch BAN24-20 area, are approximately 1.32% nickel over 4.4 meters within an intestinal mineralized zone with 0.80% nickel on a 15.7 meter tank. huh. (Abildung 1a). Le Bohrloch BAN24-20 durchteufte das BHEM-Ziel in 470 Meter Bohrlochtiefe (innerhalb von 20 Meter vom performed Standort) innerhalb aen rigid serpentinisierten Peridotits, der netzartig strukturierte bis local halbmassive Sulfide enthält. The austere mineralized peridot has a core length of 10.1 meters auf and runs towards the end of the austere serpentinized peridotite rocks with preserved nickel mineralization.

Companies found in BAN24-20 further support for BHEM through the establishment of fortifications and the acquisition of the highest horizon for testing purposes, in the waters of Bohrlöchern BAN24-18 and BAN24 -20 thereafter. Die beiden Durchschneidungen scheinen von 2 separen Linsen zu stammen. The mass sulfide in BAN24-18 contains a vulkanischen auf package, which makes the sulfide in BAN24-20 contacting a sequence of ultramafischem Gestein liegen mineralization. Das Unternehmen führt derzeit mit Bohrloch BAN24-21 weitere Bohrungen auf diesem Ziel durch.

Presentation of the TSX Croissance

The TSX Venture Exchange does not yet have its regulatory department (which corresponds to the definition of this term in the wealth line of the TSX Venture Exchange) and supports the verification of the nature or wealth of this press committee.

Quality Control and Control, Verification and Verification Edwin Escarraga, MSc, P.Geo., a “Qualified Person” under National Instrument 43-101 – Disclosure standards for mining projectsis an audit and verification program that ensures quality (QA) and quality control (QC). Der Kern is in versiegelten Kernschalen aus dem Bohrer entnommen und zur Kernaufzeichnungsanlage transportiert. The core is marked, in a length of 1.5 meters and with a diamond. A study carried out as part of an investigation carried out directly by the Kernschuppen company from Canada Nickel to Actlabs Timmins transported, carried out an analysis of two studies aimed at ensuring the safety of transport by SGS Lakefield, which was carried out by SGS Burnaby. All workers are ISO/IEC 17025 certified. Analysis of edelmetal (gold, platinum and palladium) is carried out by Brandprobe and analysis of nickel, kobalt, Schwefel and other elements is carried out by Peroxidfusion and ICP-OES-Analysis thereafter. The certified standards and tests were carried out in a verification of 3 QA/QC tests for 20 core tests, a load of 60 tests was carried out for in-depth analysis. Qualified Person and Data Evaluation Stephen J. Balch P.Geo. (ON), VP Exploration of Canada Nickel and a qualified person” as defined in National Regulation 43-101 – Disclosure standards for mining projectswhich are available in these press materials and which provide technical information and specific dates in these press materials on behalf of Canada. Nickel is used and generated. Uber Canada Nickel Company

Canada Nickel Company Inc. is preparing the next generation of nickel sulphide projects for nickel, which will be aimed at the more distant market of electrical products and free stainless steel. Hats off to Canada Nickel Company in numerous trademark rights for NetZero Nickel ownersTM Cobalt net zeroTM Net zero ironTM beantragt et verfolgt die Entwicklung von Prozessen, die die Produktion von Kohlenstofffreien Nickel-, Kobalt- und Eisenprodukten ermöglichen. Canada Nickel is seeking investors in a nickel financial sector in politically risky countries. Canada Nickel will be derzeit von seinem zu 100% unternehmenseigenen Vorzeigeprojekt Crawford Nickel-Cobalt-Sulfid im Herzen desproducers Timmins-Cochrane-Bergbaugebiets supports. For more information about your bite

For more information on how you are located:

Marc Selby
Telephone: 647-256-1954
Email: [email protected]

In Europe:
Swiss Resource Capital SA
Jochen Staiger & Marc Ollinger
[email protected]

Vorsichtsmaßnahme in Bezug auf zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen

Diese Pressemitteilung enthält bestimmte Informationen, die gemäß den geltenden kanadischen Wertpapiergesetzen “zukunftsgerichtete Informationen” darstellen könnten. Zu den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen zählen unter anderem Bohr- und Explorationsergebnisse in Bezug auf die hierin beschriebenen Zielgrundstücke (die “Grundstücke”), die Bedeutung der Bohrergebnisse, die Fähigkeit, die Bohrungen forttzusetzen, die Auswirkungen der Bohrungen auf die Defining a Resource, Crawford Nickel Sulfide Projects Potential and Commodities, Strategic Plan and Mining (Above Height) Mineral Resources, Design, Market materials for exploitation, strategic plan, unique exploration. und Erschließungspläne et -ergebnisse, Unternehmens- et technische Ziele sowie die Fertigstellung von Proben, geophysikalischen Nachuntersuchungen et weiteren Bohrungen. General information is material information over many years, which is the cause of imminent events, unpredictable and unexpected risks, inconveniences and other underlying factors, which are the cause of the risks, risks and hazards. However, if you do not know what to do with it, you will have to pay for the information on the site or you will need it. Zu den Faktoren, die sich auf das Ergebnis auswirken könnten, zählen unter anderem: zukünftige Preise und as Angebot an Metallen, die zukünftige Nachfrage nach Metallen, die Ergebnisse von Bohrungen, die Unfähigkeit, the Geld aufzubringen, the notwendig ist, um die Ausgaben zu tätigen, die für den Erhalt und die Weiterentwicklung des Grundstücks erforderlich sind, (bekannte et unbekannte) Umwelthaftungen, allgemeine geschäftliche, wirtschaftliche, Wettbewerbsbezogene, politische et soziale Unwägbarkeiten, Ergebnisse von Exploration Programs, Risiken der Bergbaubranche, Verzögerungen bei der Langung von behördlichen Genehmigungen et das Versäumnis, behördliche Genehmigungen zu erhalten. It is not possible to guarantee that this information is provided with useful information, as it complies with the standards and also applies to the information provided in this information. Dementsprechend sollten sich die Leser nicht in unangemessener Weise auf zukunftsgerichtete Informationen verlassen. Everything in this press committee relies on information based on information and management schemes, as well as information, management in the spirit of the times, this press committee for presentation. Canada Nickel lehnt jede Absicht oder Verpflichtung ab, zukunftsgerichtete Informationen zu actualisieren or zu revidieren, sei es aufgrund neuer Informationen, zukünftiger Ereignisse oder aus anderen Green, sofern die nicht gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist.