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MMA: The Ultimate Kampfsport Kommt Nach Berlin

MMA: The Ultimate Kampfsport Kommt Nach Berlin

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is one of the traumas of the Urals: the ultimate camp to find. The idea, verschiedene Kampfkünste miteinander zu messen, is just as similar to the Kampf itself. It was for the first time in the 1990s that MMA was a real discipline. Today the Kampfsport ganze Arenen. Zu erleben am on 21.12. in Berlin. Doch zurück auf Anfang.

MMA – How it all started

The MMA workshop, as we recently learned, took place in 1993 during the first UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) in the United States. The idea of ​​simple war: Kämpfer unterschiedlicher Disziplinen – Boxer, Ringer, Karateka – sollten herausfinden, welcher Stil der beste ist. Es gab quickly keine Regeln: Kein Beißen, keine Augenstiche, alles andere war erlaubt. It was crazy, the war was a brutal spectacle, life was shocked, but also millions were fascinated. Doch MMA war schon vorher da. In Brazil, during the 1920s, “Vale Tudo” was popular, and “Alles geht” was nicknamed. It is a favorite of modern MMA, along with Kämpfer verschiedener Stile à Arenen and Straßenkämpfen gegeneinander antraten.

Jeder „Sport“ seine hat Helden

As in all sports, it was also the MMA legend who played the game like the Brazilian Royce Grace. He dominates the UFC-Turniere and his era, the technology is under Kraft. With Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), you are Gegner zu Boden and zwang sie zur Aufgabe. Order Fedor Emelianenko: The “Last Emperor” during the war in Russia is an uncontrollable Koloss at Pride FC, the two biggest MMA-Liga in Japan. Seine Mischung auscher Ruhe et brutaler Effektivität machte ihn zur Ikone. Only one mass shows up, but does not have the same Badass-Auftrittes in the remake of the 1980s film “Road House”, starring Patrick Swayze in the Hauptrolle, dürfte Conor McGregor breast: Der Ire brachte MMA ins Mainstream-Bewusstsein. With Trash-Talk, with Stil and with Knockouts, it’s the Superstar – and the Polarisierungs figurine. There are also talkative women and gibts who are legends. A davon is Amanda Nunes. While the Doppelchampion im Frauen-MMA schrieb sie geschichte et bewies, as Frauen genauso dominant et fesselnd kämpfen können wie your mennlichen Kollegen.

Why did MMA explode?

In the coming years, the UFC experienced beige training, MMA salons for men. Raus aus den dunklen Kaschemmen. Hinein in die BlingBling World. Events like “We Love MMA” bring the sport to the local Ebony level and work to get them involved. With social media and streaming, fights are very popular. Young fans love the action, the flow and the events, the event that they bring. MMA golden vielen Fans and Kämpfern als Glaubensfrage – a test for man, spirit and will. Wer den Käfig betritt, beweist Mut. Wer den Käfig verlässt, hat eine Geschichte zu erzählen. And schlimmstenfalls one or another Narbe more, like zuvor.

“We Love MMA”: Jahresfinale in Berlin

WLMMA76 Berlin, MMA, UFC, Berlin
YouTuber Fabio Schäfer is present in Käfig. – Photo: Press/WLMMA

December 21, 2024 will be in Berlin in MMA news! In the Uber Arena, the largest hall in Berlin, “We Love MMA” is presented for an evening of extra-class fights. The organization, which comes from the “Highest German League”, was not created by Kämpfe specialists, but is also a platform for local talents and international stars.

Die Kämpfe, die Berlin beben tired

Daniel Makin vs. Kevin Hangs

I am the main team of two experienced veterans, the DNA of “We Love MMA” will be selected. England’s world champion Daniel Makin, named to the explosive Kampfstil, has been chosen by La Liga legend Kevin Hangs. On this day, there is no world title for Makins, but it is a middle manager, that of Alexander Djukic. For Makin, Kampf die Chance is the Doppelchampion zu verewigen. Pour Hangs, der seine neunte Schlacht under the Banner von WLMMA bestreitet, gehts eum die Erfüllung un long ersehnten Traums.

Nicolas Djurdjevic vs. Frédéric Vosgröne

The Co-Main-Event used the technology for: the French BJJ-Schwarzgurt Nicolas Djurdjevic, the three-seater from “We Love MMA” in the Konto hat, who was sent to Frédéric Vosgröne, an aufstrebenden behind the European Grappling scene. For submission fans, the duel will have a highlight.

Fabio Schäfer vs. Marcel Klos

One of the most intense fights was the duel between Fabio Schäfer and Marcel Klos. Schäfer is one of the best German YouTubers in the fields of fitness, sports and lifestyle. On the other hand, the Hunderthausende Follower zählt, teilt er Trainingsmethoden, Ernährungstips et Einblicke dans sein Leben als Athlet. Richtig Aufschwung began in the canal, in the seinen Anfängen als Plattform für Schäfers Bike Geschichten, as well as at the first Staffel des Formates “7 vs Wild” by YouTube artist Fritz Meinecke teilnahm. This is war damage, a single piece of equipment, like a backpack on a single island. Das gab ordentlich Respekt von der Community. Insgesamt begeistert Schäfer bei seinen Abenteuern und Herausforderungen seine Authentizität. Also in the current context of MMA, this combat sport is not within the reach of professionals. And Fabio Schäfer, white, was the bedeutet. Wer sich an Schäfers ersten, vermeintlichen Kampf erinnert, den er ohne Antritt aus nervlichen Gründen absagte, weiß um den Druck, der in einem Newbie herrscht. Schäfer mag on paper as favorit gehandelt werden, mais im MMA ist nichts sicher – for allem gegen a hungrigen Underdog like Klos.

Warum ce Kampf wichtig ist

Für Schäfer ist the Fight, nach seinem holprigen Einstieg in die Szene nicht nur ein personal Test, sondern ach ein Statement. If I want MMA to come to Britain, it will be on the scene every day, because it’s not possible to do that yet. This event will be hosted by Entertainment and Sports Bridges – and will create the “We Love MMA” for fans in the audience. From hardcore or Neuling fans: this event is an MMA fight for old men who find themselves in Globus, an art of military sport. Thanks to Jake Paul and Mike Tyson!