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New storage system from Netapp adapted to KI machines

New storage system from Netapp adapted to KI machines

Dass KI nur so gut ist, wie die bereitgestellten Daten, hat sich weitgehend herumgesprochen. Das betrifft nicht nur die Datanqualität, sondern also the Datenmenge et die Organization der Datenzugriffe – as well as the storage form and data management. In a Gartner study it is said: “Generative KI (GenKI) features provide the best possible functions for zugrundeliegenden storage infrastructure. » For all major GenKI solutions that offer performance and data management functions for the synchronization, training, inference and archiving phases of GenKI workflows, it is indicated in the research note.


If you want to do a smart tuning or small language model (SLM) solution, you can use Gartner with custom storage platforms such as storage area network (SAN), network attached storage (NAS), object specifications or hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). ) auskommen. Die müssen aber zumeist ausgebaut werden und sollten auch den queesten Leistungsklassen entsprechen.

Older storage solutions offer new features, better usability and many features, such as security and faster upgrades. The new recommendations are available here at NetApp. Vendors launched IDC-Storage-Tracker from the two quarters 2024 of the German market in the Bereichen NAS All-Flash (59.3 percent), All-Flash SAN&NAS (31.9 percent) and all types of SAN&NAS storage ( 27 percent). ).

New products in the AFF A- and C-Series. The A series is the same as the middle class and middle class, and the C series is rich in the high-end market. The new AFF A20, A30 and A50 have a head start of one millimeter and another 2.5 part reading as part of the Vorgänger models. Capacity starts at 15.35 TB (A20) and can reach a petabyte of physical capacity.

The AFF C-Series provides solutions to the capacity of Flash drives, to optimize all workloads. Here you have maximum flexibility and efficiency as well as the best optimization of workload consolidation in file, block and object storage. The AFF C30, C60 and C80 are placed in two racks with a capacity of up to 1.5 PB. Das könne laut Netapp zu Platzeinsparungen von bis zu zu 95 Prozent et Stromeinsparungen von bis zu zu 97 Prozent führen et so die Gesamtbetriebskosten senken. More and more technical products are Intel PCIe Gen 5 processors and DDR-5-RAM.

Beide Serien base auf der Dateninfrastruktur Ontap. It is a scalable platform for managing data for classic applications and standard workloads, leveraging data from the free system for future releases. NetApp is available on the interface of “intelligent” infrastructure, data management and integrated KI components. So this is a useful StorageGrid. This offers the details and performance of object storage and storage capacity. Access more flexible and flexible metadate nodes or data nodes for workloads with small objects and media grids.

Ferner uses NetApp for the StorageGRID SGF6112 storage system to support Flash-Laufwerke with a capacity of 60 TB. Damit verdoppelt sich die Dichte im Object-Umfeld. Auf cese Weise sink the benötigte Rack-Platz and the costs for the Strom and the Kühlung fell entsprechend. Better quality of Ontap is also the data transfer solution. When transferring from client to ONTAP like SMB, Kerberos (NFS) and IPsec for simple installation, internal transfer to ONTAP is TLS.

NetApp also benefits from storage cost optimization in Visier. Hierzu verweist das Unternehmen darauf, dass nur 32 Prozent aller gespeicherten Daten jemals wieder genutzt werden, was bedeutet, dass ein optimal Storage-Konzept viele Einsparungen bewirken kann. Mit Technologien wie einer schnellen and effizienten Datenkomprimierung könne man the Kostenmanagement takes charge. With the C60 model, you can use NetApp to use Intel’s QAT technology and a larger block size of 32 KB in 4:1.

Modern storage systems offer classic IT tools – adapted for security. We offer you NetApp BlueXP and this will also bring you to a single problem. The headset is the protection against ransomware. Therefore, the System will be overloaded, and the dates will be reversed. The best Ransomware solutions for a simple ablaufen must, which are found here are very abnormal.

With BlueXP you are already 99 percent ahead of Angriffe, which is ready to use Netapp. In the context where the Anbieter is able to do so, the letzte Stufe of the Abwehr is and is not a substitute for other masses. Insgesamt empfiehlt man sechs Security-Ebenen: Identity, Perimeter, Netzwerk, Endgeräte, Anwendungen/Daten et ann die Speicher-Sicherheit. This is another statement from the lawyer: “A ransomware system or malware management system can provide comprehensive protection for a ransomware guarantee. »
