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Explore Science am Bodensee on the Uferpromenade

Explore Science am Bodensee on the Uferpromenade

The natural organization of the work of the Klaus Tschira Foundation – Explore Science – will take place in 2025 on the island of Mainau and on the sea promenade in Friedrichshafen. The company, children and young people have already started to discover and experiment, and have found a new in a new, great Rahmen statt.

From May 8 to 10, 2025, the workshops will take place under the motto “Zukunft MINT” which includes workshops, workshops and shows on the themes of mathematics, computing, nature and technology (MINT). You can play it, experiment and carry out practical experiments. “We are free, the Explore Science can be found in Friedrichshafen stattfindet,” said Lilian Knobel, Geschäftsführerin of the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. This is an Explore Science news article for specialists.

The new stand is in cooperation with the city of Friedrichshafen and is not on the largest square for vielfältigen gas stations, it is also to be a liaison agency and a development agency for the region. „Wir sind stolz darauf, Explore Science 2025 in Friedrichshafen begrüßen zu dürfen. The Ufer promenade also has an ideal atmosphere for your business,” said Andreas Hein, director of the Friedrichshafen city planning office.

The program for Explore Science includes regional Bildungsbereich and research study institutions, such as the study of chemistry and physics education at the University of Konstanz or the science workshop in Friedrichshafen. All articles are free and free. For workshops and workshops, there is a presentation from March 1 to April 15, with workstations and exhibition shows about the time in which they will take place. More information about the Explore Science program in Friedrichshafen werden online veröffentlicht.

Neben Workshops, Mitmachstationen und Bühnenshows können Kinder und Jugendliche auch an den Wettbewerben teilnehmen. During these years you will find Schülerinnen and Schüler der Klassenstufen 5 bis 13 a “Schere, Stein, Papier”-Maschine der Zukunft bauen. Die machine soll mit a mechanischen Zufallsprinzip arbeiten und gegen Menschen spielen können. Creativity and technical refinement are also present. For the “Kosmischer Staubsauger” entwickeln Teams kreative Apparate, um in three Minuten möglichst viele Tischtennisbälle als “Weltraumschrott” einzusammeln.

The preparatory phase of the Explore Science program will take place until April 1, 2025. More information under: (size)