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Blues with overtime in Calgary –

Blues with overtime in Calgary –

I am the first player in Part 2 of the Calgary Flames and St. Louis Blues who has intensive views and a complete shooter. Zu Beginn gave the Flames more Bullys, led by Nazem Kadri and Martin Pospisil, who have an equal chance of coming. Thus, the first time, the Schüsse, and that of Pospisil and Zary, neben das Tor or wurden blockiert, like that of the Versuch von Kadri, of a Teamkollegen abgewehrt wurde. Also a handgelenkschuss von Kevin Rooney nicht den Weg ins Tor, as well as Binnington gehalten wurde.

Die Blues waren ebenfalls active und versuchten, die Führung zu übernehmen. In the 16th minute, Jake Neighbors met a Rückhand-Schuss den Puck at Tor Bringen, which was also created by Flames-Torhüter Vladar. It’s Blues player Zack Bolduc who is at war in the 7th. The first minute of the tournament is over, after an assist from Schenn and Broberg. We passed Robert Thomas at that time, as well as in the 5. Minute of the second time for the Saint-Louis brand.

The Flames do not collide and attack the Anschlusstreffer. In the 4th Minute of the Drittels, Jakob Pelletier put a kick-off in a pass from Lomberg and Miromanov den Puck in the front tower. Trotz plus weiterer Chancen auf beiden Seiten, Darunter un Schuss von Connor Zary et un abgeblockter Versuch von Blake Coleman, Blieb es bei ce stand bis zum Ende des Drittels. The party faces intensive living and protection situations, while the tower is often on site at midpoint.

In the context of the St. Louis Blues and Calgary Flames games, it is an intensive and intense moment. At the beginning of the Abschnitts, Robert Thomas das Bully played Mikael Backlund, after which he played with MacKenzie Weegar Nathan Walker put a check to stop. There are more blocks from Schüssen, under the leadership of Ryan Suter and Daniil Miromanov, the team training tournament has been his workplace.

The Blues have more chances, the leaders of Radek Faksa and Matthew Kessel, who are the masters of the tricks of both teams. The Flames are also active, under another tight end in Rasmus Andersson, and Jordan Binnington is at safety. On another page, Dylan Holloway and Pavel Buchnevich have more skills, while the Flames’ Verteidiger are deep in the second half.

In the 14. Minute War there is Matt Coronato, who has a ride to Calgary for the fight, and a Pass from Connor Zary and MacKenzie Weegar are present. This Führung a brachte die Flames jedoch nicht aus dem Tritt, et sie setzten ihren Druck fort, wobei sowohl die Blues as well as the Flames zahlreiche Bullys gewannen et verloren, was for a kind of intensive rhythm.

The game is clear, with blocks, balls, the Ziel button is in place, and a Strafe gegen Nazem Kadri wegen Haltens. After that, the chance to stop playing will be repeated in the minutes of the Drittels which are then left behind, sodas of the Flames mit einer 1:0-Führung in the Kabinen gingen.

I’m playing the twice as intense game of the Calgary Flames and the St. Louis Blues. It started with a lot of Bullys, as players like Nazem Kadri and Radek Faksa moved in to control the Pucks. Schon früh kam est zu einem bemerkenswerten Moment, comme Pavel Buchnevich pour le Blues ein Tor erzielte, under the direction of Robert Thomas and Philip Broberg. Dies führte zu einem knappen 3:2-Spielstand, was die Spannung noch weiter erhöhte.

Calgary reacts slowly with intensive attacks. Other game ideas such as Mikael Backlund and Jonathan Huberdeau, led by St. Louis Torhüter Jordan Binnington, were created to take care of the space. Also the Blues are beautiful, we have Colton Parayko and Brayden Schenn mit ihren Schüssen auf das Tor von Dan Vladar immersed wieder versuchten, den Vorsprung auszubauen.

The play was made by Puckverluste and Harte Checks, as MacKenzie Weegar and Martin Pospisil against St. Louis player Robert Thomas and Brayden Schenn. Trotz zahlreicher Blockierungen et Schüsse war est à Calgary, le 12. The minutes of play of the Ausgleich unfold, and MacKenzie Weegar nach a Pass from Jonathan Huberdeau in a Handgelenksschusschuss pass.

The difficult phase of the war games was led by old Strafzeiten and by new Bullies, who found themselves in front of the Mannschaften Kämpften, den entscheidenden Treffer zu erzielen. The person who waged war against Jordan Binnington, the head of illegal gambling at Torhüter Prison, was Calgary, a single person capable of moving, with the aim of taking action. However, you will have a better chance of becoming a team member than you have before. Am Ende blieb es beim 3:3 Unentschieden, was das Spiel in die Verlängerung führte.

Overtime began with a long period, as Robert Thomas of the St. Louis Blues de Bully against Nazem Kadri became. It’s very clear, the teams are alongside a company in the defined configuration. The last minutes of the beginning, Pavel Buchnevich is a good gelegenheit for the blues, with his Handgelenksschusschuss by the Calgary Torhüter Dan Vladar sicher abgewehrt.

Calgary also has a chance, in charge of a man in Matt Coronato, the leader of the real Torwinkel vorbeizog. Mikael Backlund experienced a fall in a Gelegenheit, and within the protection of the hands of Jordan Binnington in the Tor der Blues, the bet werden. Coronato versuchte es erneut, doch auch sein weiterer Versuch verfehlte das Tor.

Then, with a Bully in the 3rd minute of overtime, the war is Robert Thomas, the game comes into play. It has already arrived by Colton Parayko, der aus kurzer Distanz zum Siegtreffer einschoss. The Handgelenksschuss von Parayko continues the war against Vladar and Saint-Louis secures himself with this treffer of the 4:3-Sieg.

The Tor was created by an ausgezeichnete author of Thomas and Dylan Holloway, who was the Sieg in the besieged Verlängerung. In this phase of the competition, the teams will not perform better and the game will end with a dramatic finish for the Blues.