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Krieg in Syria: Islamists approach Richtung Homs to

Krieg in Syria: Islamists approach Richtung Homs to

Anti-government Syrian fighters celebrate their arrival in the captured west-central town of Hama on December 6, 2024. In just over a week, rebel forces' offensive has seen Syria's second-largest city Strategically located Aleppo and Hama fall from the hands of President Bashar al-Assad to take control of the country for the first time since the start of the civil war in 2011.

The Islamist Kämpfer are heading in Syria towards the Richtung Süden vor et sehen offenbar vor der Stadt Homs. You have to wait for the Truppen von Machthaber Assad die Stadt verlassen. 07.12.2024 | 1:38 minutes

Islamist rebels’ lightning offensive in Syria has put Machthaber Baschar al-Assad on the march under the army. When the millionaire city of Aleppo fell, there was a real failure in the strategy of the city of Homs. The Syrian administration structures are established by the metropolis of a million inhabitants, whose mission is to ensure the rights of men within the Syrian administration system, with a network of informants from the region.
The Military Regulations are still in operation in the former city of Syria. The avant-garde of the Aufständischen bereitet auch Israel zunehmend Sorgen.

Islamist setzen also in the South Vorstöße fort

On November 27, the civil war in Syria with the offensive of the Islamist-Allianz Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS) took place further. The Bundnis strebt den Sturz der syrischen Regierung an. Neben plus als 200 Dörfern et Positionen nahmen die Rebellen zuletzt die Stadt Hama ein. Since the start of the civil war in 2011, the civil war has cost the state 370,000 men.
Nahost-Experte Sascha Bruchmann live in Bahrain

Sollte Homs has fallen, Assad has a major problem, in the main city of Damascus and at its military base, according to Nahost and military expert Sascha Bruchmann.06.12.2024 | 12:27 minutes

Derweil setzten Rebellengruppen auch im Süden Syrians ihre Forstöße fort. Dort übernahmen Aufständische laut Activisten die Kontrolle weiter Teile des symbolsträchtigen Governments Daraa. The first regional protest in Syria before the start of the civil war took place in March 2011 in the city of Daraa. If you keep the Verhaftung Jugendlicher ausgelöst worden, die regierungskritische Graffiti et Wänden angebracht hatten.

Registration: Controlle über Daraa verloren

Nonne has the local opposition groups of the 80th Congress of the region under their control, which merge with the anti-Syrian men’s struggle organization. Demnach hatten Sicherheitskräfte der Regierung zuvor Posten und Stützpunkte verlassen.

Bereits am Freitagabend hatte the Beobachtungsstelle gemeldet, the Regierung zudem die Kontrolle über die südwestsyrische Stadt Suwaida im an Daraa angrenzenden Government Suwaida verloren abe. Local Aufständische hätten das Zentralgefängnis in ihre Gewalt gebracht. Der Gouverneur sei geflohen.

sgs atai coerper gaa

President Putin wants “Schutzmacht” for Assad, um sich Einfluss zu sichern, therefore the ZDF Coerper correspondent. Erdogan is the Kurdish Miliz YPG zurückdrängen, therefore Phoebe Gaa. 03.12.2024 | 5:30 a.m.

Russia supports Assad regime

The Syrian regime can, in its camp, give the rebels more in Russian assistance. The Russian Luftwaffe engaged in its own operations with Syrian combat camps in Idlib province, Hama and Aleppo, as well as rebel ammunition depots. Dutzende Einheiten Militärtechnik et 200 Terroristen seien “vernichtet” worden, dit un Luftwaffenoffizier der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Interfax. Die Angaben konnten zunächst nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.

Russia, the Machthaber Assad in the civil war, is also battling Iran, which has no military army in the military war in Syria. The beginning of the revolutionary offensive of the Syrian rebellion turned into a larger holiday of the Russian army, which brought the coming Assad holiday.

The advice of the Kämpfe forderte die US-Regierung ihre Staatsangehörigen auf, Syrian umgehend zu verlassen, solange sie noch mit Flügen kommerzieller Airlines aus Damaskus herauskommen. Security in Syria is volatile and unexpected, it is listed in a warning on the American Society in Syria website.

When the Syrian army launched the Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS) offensive, control of a large region in northwest Syria took place. The group is at war with the Nusra Front, the Syrian leader of Al-Kaida’s terrorist operations. Either your name is high or your name is far away and that of Al-Kaida is far away.

What: dpa