
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Page 2: “I don’t see what I have in the Lage, in other Länder near your energy projects.”

Page 2: “I don’t see what I have in the Lage, in other Länder near your energy projects.”

How involved is the Finnish state of Onkalo? In Germany, the Gefühl men have human lives, the nuclear energy companies irgendwann einfach dem Staat überlassen, also un allen.


The Finnish state is no match for Onkalo. Onkalo is 100 percent a private project within the atomic venture of TVO and Fortum. TVO has three reactors at their stand, and they are also looking at Onkalo – and the Fortum is TVO reactors’ own in Loviisa, and it’s only about a kilometer from Helsinki. This is what happens in Onkalo die Endlagerung nur von seinen Eigentümern übernommen wird.

Derzeit game of Kernkraftwerke self a large Rolle bei der Lagerung abgebrannter Brennelemente – zunächst in Abklingbecken, später in Dry Storage Casks. As we saw with the atomic atom in Fukushima Daichi after the tsunami that occurred in Japan, the idea is not the best idea within it, and these shops are often sure of the manufacturing plants they -themselves. What is it like with Onkalo ändern?

In Finland we have dry storage barrels, sondern Nasslagerung in gekühlten Becken. And yes: it is the best and safest there is, in abgebrante Kernbrennstoffe endgültig zu entsorgen, as well as in Zwischenlagern aufzubewahren.

Where do you stand for the Abfälle and other Länder öffnen?

Das finnische Recht lässt das nicht zu. Igliche Ausfuhr oder Einfuhr von abgebrannten Brennelementen ist bei un gesetzlich verboten. And for action in favor of management, this is a good idea. Die Menschen sind bereit, sich um ihre eigenen Kernabfälle zu kümmern, mais sie wollen nicht, dass der Müll anderer dann einfach en ihrem Hinterhof gelagert wird.

Wie Sie wissen, hat Deutschland seine Kernkraftwerke abgeschaltet, importiert aber weiterhin Atomstrom in other Ländern like France. What is the Finnish energy strategy plan?

Jährlich werden etwa 46 Prozent des finnischen Stromverbrauchs durch Kernenergie gedeckt. Die Kernenergie also guarantees that energy from another state does not apply. Finland is aufs Jahr gerechnet autark mit seinem Strom. Nuclear energy is a solution for Finland, as well as our resource management solution.

Können Sie aus finnischer Sicht die Entscheidung Deutschlands verstehen?

I don’t see what is happening in the surrounding area, nor in other states with their energy projects. I’m sure German companies have found their own business solutions.

In the old Ländern it is a large-scale experiment with the management of the Brennelement element, which aims to offer optimistic perspectives and the project to create a technical or political problem. Are you in Onkalo at night?

No more. In many states, the organizations for nuclear energy management in the energy sector are led and supported by another political minister for wind energy. In Finland, we have long-term energy programs – our Grundsatzentscheidungen –, and they are already part of them. But in general, we can know that the main projects of other projects in the world are developed by technical knowledge and they must be carried out in complex communication.

Die derzeitigen Lagereinrichtungen auch in Deutschland werden etwas euphemistic als “Zwischenlager” bezeichnet. What is the language that we have so often?

Solange is the Kernenergieproduktion gibt, bleibt das so. After a few months of cooking, you should take a long time to prepare, but you should end up with the end of the recipe. 40 years, the loop should not be used so that the Brennelemente is not hotter. Aber irgendwann muss jedes Land mit seinen abgebrannten Kernbrennstoffen eben etwas Endgültiges tun.

Is this a strategy for the success of the finalists for the generations common to the community? All you need to know is that it is damaged.

Dies ist a sehr hypotheticische Frage. Solange is a man who is naturally wise and who listens to the Anlage. But what will happen to the human community in 10,000 years? If you want to know more, welche Sprache sie sprechen or welche Art von Signalen sie verstehen? Aus ce Grund wird Onkalo überhaupt nicht speziell markiert sein.

When approaching the Eiszeit, when Nordeuropa passes under two kilometers of road and all means are at hand, it is also bigger in Berlin, than in Helsinki, than in London. What is the Atommüll in the port of Rotterdam or in the London Docks? Darüber macht sich niemand Gedanken.

Doch die Kernindustrie is wissen, wo ihre Abfälle sind. You have found a safe place, half a kilometer below the Erde in the stable Grundgestein. And after 10,000 years, Brennstoff no longer has anything to do with radioactivity. There are allergies in the night of metal and gifts, a substance, natural man is not aufnehmen sollte – and it is necessary for man and nature to do so. History is given worldwide to the oldest Schwermetalle this art, without this art within the nuclear army.

Do you have the wisdom, that you have lived in Onkalo with other Ländern teilen?

We offer you all the necessary information on the commercial basis of your installation. Dafür hat Posiva Oy has an operating company named Posive Solutions gegründet.
