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After Fall Assads: Is this the case for the region?

After Fall Assads: Is this the case for the region?

Das rasante Tempo der Befreiung syrians von der jahrzehntelangen Gewaltherrschaft des Assad-Clans dürfte die allermeisten Geheimdienste komplett überrascht haben. During the rebel uprising in Aleppo at the end of November, the Israeli army now has the most favorable prognosis: The offensive on the “war attacks” has taken place, as the military correspondent of the Israeli Zeitung “Ha’aretz “, Amos Harel. berichtet.

“Kein Dienst in der Region und im Westen” was die Ereignisse in Syrian vorhergesehen. Intensive work has been done within the framework of the Regierungszentralen der westlichen et arabischen Welt gemutmaßt, as are the political laws of the region by the end of Assad’s Diktatur verschieben werden. Please note that the following instructions are in German.

Verlier: Iran

For the regime of the mullahs until the end of 2024, with a strategic strategy in depth in the country: the war in Syria against Iran and the point of view of the State oppose that the Israel’s constitutional doctrine defeats Israel. Years have passed since the garden of the Iranian revolution on its way to the Syrian country on a mission to transfer billions of dollars, munitions, logistics and personnel for Hisbollah in Lebanon. In Syria, Iran is under the protection of the Rüstungsbetriebe, Ausbildungslager and Truppenkontingente. They praise Ziel: Hisbollah is the leader of the dominant army and military power of Northern Israel.

While the Assad regime of 2015 opposes the Kollaps military and that night a state government attacks Iran, it attacks the Hisbollah-Verbände of Iran in Syria , to Bashar al Assad and his force – and provides the central campaign bridge for the region. Iranischen Waffentransfer in den Libanon abzusichern. The Russian Luftwaffe bombed the current era of the Städte and the Dörfer, which are sich in Rebellenhand befanden.

Thus, at the end of Assad’s war in Syria, the Iranian Führung goes for a strategic conflict: Hisbollah, a label after the terrorist fall of Hamas with the threat of Israel began, by the Israeli military have great military potential to exploit. Syria fell into the Zeit absehbare and Transferland aus. Und weitaus schwerwiegender: Das Image des Mullah-Regimes als selfsternannter Schutzmacht seiner Verbündeten in der Region hat erheblichen Schaden genommen. Schmallippig erklärte daher auch das iranische Außenministerium am Sonntag: Die Zukunft Syrians liege “ausschließlich in der Verantwortung der Syrer.”

Verlierer: Hisbollah

Without Iranian organizations and support activities in Syria, the Hisbollah military and the Lebanese military are attacking logistics. 80 Prozent ihrer Raketenbestände, die vor dem Krieg auf bis zu zu 150,000 Raketen unterschiedlicher Reichweite geschätzt worden sind, seien vom Israeli military zerstört worden, as is the case in Jerusalem. A fight against violence across Iran can ensure that Hisbollah leads the Syrian movement against Assad-Herrschaft in the coming months.

Rolle’s government, the Hisbollah-Milizen in Syria, is the country like the rulers of a dictator gespielt haben, wird en Syria von den wentlichen Rebellen-Gruppierungen nicht vergeben werden. The government of the Assad clans has half a million men and millions of Syrern in Flucht and Verbannung managed, although in the unresolved country. The Innerhalb of the Kriegsgezeichneten Libanon is the only one to offer solutions to the “Partei Gottes”, as the Hisbollah is the bisherigen head of the direction of Iran which abgeschnitten ist – and is not auf Besserung ihrer Lage hoffen kann .

Winner: Israel

The abrupt end of the Assad regime in Syria in the “Schwerste Schlag, den die Iranian Achse” bisher erlitten, balanceziert “Ha’aretz” – the military correspondent Amos Harel. Dies sei für Israel eine gute Nachricht. Doch welchen Verlauf die Entwicklung en Syrian werde, dürfte “wie im Nahen Osten üblich nicht ohne Complikationen ablaufen.”

Israel’s unwavering reaction from within the regime of the Damascus regimes was worded as follows: “This is a new Israeli wave into the buffer zone in the Golan, for the first evil since 1974, in a pre- taste of The rebels addressed a UN post in the direction of Nähe zum Israelis Gebiet der Golanhöhen abzuwehren Falls took place on the. armed band on the Syrian page of Berges Hermon vor Prime Minister Benjamin Netanjahu said: Israel is “a businessman who has paper, so we want to position The Collapse of the Assad regimes has a historical label”. for the Nahen Osten, the “great chance”, but also the eternal history Netanjahu is the originator of the regime of regimes as “a direct ruler to the general services of Hisbollah and Iran”. (neben Putin in Russia) against the “chiefs of staff of Assad” in front of him These military forces have a “coalition reaction” between all the criminals in the gang, “the tyrants and the forces of order”. attack them.

Zum Video: Program of BR correspondents Björn Dake in Tel Aviv: