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Klimaanpassung ist eine Frage der Sicherheit, Stefan Lohmann – Talent Buyer and Booking Agent, Story

Klimaanpassung ist eine Frage der Sicherheit, Stefan Lohmann – Talent Buyer and Booking Agent, Story

Die The theme of the initiative “16 steps to 2025 – For a climate neutral society” is: “Step 10: Nachhaltigkeit and Sicherheit”. The Initiative informed people about the wettest events and the passage of the climate is not in the corporate security of a certain type of role of Rolle, which is also intended for politics, economics and the economy. The passage of climate in the state company is not a page of security, but it is also a page of high security of the event industry.

Extreme climates and waters are the reality, our society and our society are not able to offer quality services. The new Normality begins with the Event Branch and the Vorreiterin für Klimaanpassung und Nachhaltigkeit immer bedeutender. Messen, Festivals, Firmenevents, Konferenzen and Veranstaltungen are located closer to the Orte des Austauschs – you have many interesting ideas for a new activity and which you can use them.

Stürme, Hitzewellen et Starkregen ne gefährden nicht nur das Wohl der Besucher*innen, sondern bedrohen den Erfolg und die Zukunft von Veranstaltungen. Extreme Wetterlagen may be affected by extreme weather conditions. The installation of air conditioning systems and active safety standards for the events branch take place twice a year, a climate change for current safety standards. Now you have a great chance, event management adapted to the organization of your work. Das golden also for cities and towns, which would make it possible to create synergies.

Stefan Lohmann – Expert in booking international artists and knowledge: “Climate is a page of safety and security in our industry. Zudem is completely profitable when it comes to climate protection and climate transfer for investors, as well as security and transportation costs for travel! Climate protection is protection for men – from the climatic device and high temperatures with your highest and highest environmental precautions like the Starkregen, while you head to the region you can work and enjoy the biodiversity for make sure you are up to the task. as Menschheit überleben werden. Within the framework of the Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Expertenrat Besuchersicherheit (DEB), we will forge the integration of the principles of sustainable development into social security, a living environment for people and our effective work activities to ensure safety.

“It is about universal protection and a social security system, which is not about the safety of workers, but which is also ecological and social. The 16-step Initiative until 2025 for climate neutrality in the events industry is up to the task, like the industry, but also like the city, the community, the world and politics.

Security and climate control for zukunftsfähiges event management

Climate risks apply to the events sector according to safety standards.

I’m on a deep dive with Olaf Jastrob (Deutschen Expertenrat Besuchersicherheit) and Stefan Lohmann (Sustainable Event Solutions) who detail the new analyzes in a, all assessment organizations* offer relevant information. Neben dem allgemeinen Arbeitssicherheitsschutz werden folgende Bereiche besonders hervorgehoben sowie die Herausforderungen und Lösungen erläutert.

  1. Wetterextreme im Blick behalten, um rechtzeitig Maßnahmen zu ergreifen
  2. Sturmsichere Aufbauten
  3. Anti-flash protection system
  4. Evakuierungsplane and Verkehrslenkung
  5. Protection Starkregen and Überflutungschutz
  6. Fraud protection
  7. Brand protection / Forest brand protection
  8. Climatic conditions / Verkehrslenkung
  9. Rating body
  10. Barrier freedom, Diversity, Save Spaces
  11. Krisenko communication
  12. Falls management
  13. Personal safety protection (PSA)
  14. Medical fall plan
  15. Crowd management
  16. Alcohol management
  17. Geräusch- und Lärmschutz, Lichtverschmutzung
  18. Protection against accidents

Positive effect on Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft

The events branch supports local activities, hotels, restaurants, logistics, ÖPNV, development sites and climate risk resilience. Die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet necht nur weniger Emissionen, sondern steigert auch die Lebensqualität, indem sie Tourismus, Handel and the local Gewerbe fördert. The meetings and meetings take place within the framework of the Wissensaustausch and in the presentation of the actors*, a non-nachhaltige wollen organization.

Ein Aufruf zur Zusammenarbeit

The company is in tune with the times, joint commitment and innovative transformation measures for a leading investment company. Die Eventbranche ruft alle Acteurs*innen – aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft et Politik – dazu auf, Verantwortung zu übernehmen et zusammenzuarbeiten. Nur durch a vernetzte Klimaanpassungsstrategie und gemeinsame Handeln kann der Klimawandel bewältigt werden.

About the “16 Steps to 2025” Initiative

The initiative “16 steps to 2025” was set up by the masses, for a climate-neutral and nachhaltig zu gestalten event branch. If you have a specific application, the quartals will be available, and there will be over 30 branches and media support. These are climate standards until 2025 in the Veranstaltungswirtschaft zu establishments and an overview for other branches within it.

About the Initiative “16 steps until 2025 – For a climate neutral society”

More than 30 agencies, media and networks from the green economy and transition industry worked for the “16 Step Program” in Umfeld. Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit der gesamten Branche activ und Schritt für Schritt climataneutral und nachhaltiger zu werden. Die 16 Schritte werden quartalsweise – step by step – gemeinsam veröffentlicht, um möglichst viele zu erreichen. Dadurch soll die Event Branche bis 2025 einen Mindeststandard for klimaneutrale nachhaltige Veranstaltungen erzielen. The different schemes offered on the Sustainability Rider include. Checklist by Stefan Lohmann. The Rider was written by ISO experts from EMAS and obtained extensive information from national and international press magazines, as well as detailed information. The Umweltgutachter Ausschuss (zuständig für EMAS Zertifizierung) also supports the 16-step initiative.

Download the free Sustainability Riders with Checklist:

16 steps until 2025 – For a climate-neutral operating company

Initiator of the 16 Steps Initiative
Meet Germany – CEO, Tanja Schramm
Sustainable event solutions – CEO, Stefan Lohmann

Support for bands, services, media and networks:

2N2K Deutschland eV – Network Nachhaltigkeit in Kunst und Kultur eV
AVB-Academy GmbH & Co. KG
BAUM eV – Network for Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
BNW Bundesverband nachhaltige Wirtschaft eV
BOÉ INTERNATIONAL – Internationale Fachmesse für Erlebnismarketing
BVIK – Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation eV
Culture4Climate – Initiative for climate protection and social security in the cultural sector
Karlsruhe Congress Office
International Congress – Das Fachmagazin der Mice Branche
Congress Wiesbaden
Deutscher Eventverband eV
German Nachhaltigkeitspreis
Düsseldorf Congress Bureau
Event elevator
Event Recruit
Euraka Baden-Baden gGmbH
Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
to come: Bundesvereinigung Veranstaltungswirtschaft
coming soon: Servicegesellschaft GmbH
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen GWA eV
Green Chefs – Equity and guarantee in gastronomy
IBIT – International network and training center for social security
IG Messewesen eV
IMEX Group “Our sole purpose is to unite and advance the meetings industry”
ISDV – Interessengemeinschaft der selbständigen DienstleisterInnen in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft eV
Kassel Congress Office
LEA LandesEnergieAgentur Hessen GmbH
memo-media Verlags-GmbH
Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH
DACH Sustainable Events Club

NRW Tourism
UGA – Umweltgutachterausschuss (EMAS) within the Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nuclear Sicherheit and Verbraucherschutz
VDVO Verband der Veranstaltungsorganisatoren eV
VLLV Verband der Lichtdesigner und Licht- und Medienoperator in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft eV
VDT Verband Deutscher Tonmeister eV

Initiative 16 Steps / Steps Bisher veröffentlichte

  1. Schritt – Presentation of the Ökostrom
  2. Schritt – Nachhaltiges Travelmanagement
  3. Schritt – Nachhaltiger Einkauf und Lieferkette
  4. Schritt – Nachhaltiges Abfallmanagement
  5. Schritt – Treibhausgase Berechnen and Compensieren
  6. Schritt – Support for biodiversity
  7. Schritt – Energy efficiency
  8. Schritt – Kreislaufwirtschaft
  9. Schritt – Vielfalt, Gerechtigkeit and Inclusion
  10. Schritt – Nachhaltigkeit and Sicherheit

By Stefan Lohmann

Stefan Lohmann is co-author: des Buches: Practical guide for a nachhaltige event branch