
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Find the liar, Mittermeier (S1/F3) in the TV program: 11.12. – 12:15 a.m.

Find the liar, Mittermeier (S1/F3) in the TV program: 11.12. – 12:15 a.m.

Find the liar, Mittermeier (S1/F3) in the TV program: 11.12. – 12:15 a.m.


He hosted comedy legend Michael Mittermeier in Fernsehstudio and decided to do it with his three hosts. Er weiß nur nicht, wer kommt. And all of them are white, but the Gäste ihm erzählen werden. Nur eines ist sicher: Er wird schamlos belogen werden. In this story of “Find The Liar, Mittermeier” are the schauspielers Annette Frier, the schauspieler Helmfried von Lüttichau and the blogger Lasse Stolley. The supporting show “Find The Liar, Mittermeier” has a great show with great formality: three guests, twice written gems, a stimmt. The Gast hat is self-explanatory and self-explanatory. And Gastgeber Michael Mittermeier had to im Gespräch herausfinden, was Wahrheit and was Lüge ist. Seine Gäste ziehen dabei alle Register. Have you ever had a stage performance or offensive tips such as before photos or details. But you can do it yourself or put up with it. Now it is all erlaubt, um den Gastgeber aufs Glatteis zu führen. We are schafft, mit seiner ausgedachten Geschichte zu überzeugen, der erhält eine Trophäe. In this story of “Find The Liar, Mittermeier” are the schauspielers Annette Frier, the schauspieler Helmfried von Lüttichau and the blogger Lasse Stolley. Why did Annette Frier become a member of a Monegasque Adels family? Or is Helmfried von Lüttichau the standard bearer of the Teufelsrad of Oktoberfests? And the schwindelt Lasse Stolley, when he behaves, is he in Zug? Should Michael understand: Welche Geschichte hält er für Wahr et Welche für erfunden?


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Original title:

Find the liar, Mittermeier


Day 12:12-01:12

End of period

01:00 / BR

Sternstunden Advent Calendar

5 minutes • Sheet 11

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