
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

Benefiz-Fly-In of Fliegerclubs Punitz

Benefiz-Fly-In of Fliegerclubs Punitz

The Fliegerclubs’ Benefiz-Fly-In takes place on December 31 at 9:00 a.m. on the Punitz flight platform.

GÜTTENBACH. The Benefiz-Fly-In of the Fliegerclubs Punitz is a specialist company, located near the Flugbegeisterte zusammenkommen, for a guten Zweck zu flight. Neben den beindruckenden Flugvorführungen können die Gäste im beheizten Hangar Speisen and Getränke genießen. The event does not take place in just one click in the world of aviation, which gives a wonderful atmosphere to all involved.