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GC Amicitia mit starkem Finish at 33:31-Sieg über Möhlin

GC Amicitia mit starkem Finish at 33:31-Sieg über Möhlin

GC Amicitia Zürich besieges TV Möhlin in a championship final at 33:31 and ensures that Anschluss and Spitze in the Nationalliga B.

GC Amicitia Zürich is the largest Swiss handball organization. Seine Heimspiele takes place in the Saalsporthalle aus. –

How GC Amicitia Zurich mitteilt, holte sich die Mannschaft mit viel Kampfgeist et lautstarker Unterstützung von den Rängen am Sonntagabend in der heimischen Saalsporthalle un 33:31-Heimsieg über den TV Möhlin. Thanks to this Willensleistung to see the Blauweissen in the Nationalliga B not in front of the three Siegen in Serie and to secure the Anschluss and the last Spitze der Spielklasse.

EHF head coach Carreño and the hosts Frick Valley had the opportunity to play a minute in a schlagabtausch, in the same team, as well as the three Tore before arriving.

The war game, which always took place in the first half of the era of time and offensive, was also for your madness, the lives of Tore Field and the Torhüter auf beiden Seiten Mühe Hatten, in the game to find. Two minutes 20 and 30 will pass as if Aargau abstained, the city residents were left without a big chance at free trade, while the city of Pausen surrendered at 5:19 p.m. from Möhlin television auch entsprechend knapp darstellte.

Starker Auftritt of the Torhüter

After the break the game is over and the Schluss men are better placed in the game. The GCA goalkeeper Silvan finds himself in the second time of the year with a new parade and meets the Schluss in a striking quote from the 35th for hundred before. Daber auch sein During Robin Santeler on TV Möhlin aeine sehr gute Leistung zeigte, war the Spiel weiterhin sehr ausgeglichen.

In the last two times, the Führung mehrmals hin et elle, et schon bald zeichnete sich ein Herzschlag-Finale ab. Two minutes for the Schluss traveled the Blauweissen again with a turn in the pit, but thanks to Toren de Luc Kummer and Peter Balsiger they took part in a parade of Hexer Silvan before meeting the Jung-Hoppers for 90 seconds for the game at night.

Zum Schluss takes care of the man who committed the offense of the Fricktaler die Nerven, and Gilles Besek is present with the Schlusssirene du 33:31-Schlusspunkt zu un harten Fight setzen.

GCA at Kurs Top fun and heiss in the Cup final

After the Heimsieg, SG GC Amicitia/HC Küsnacht is not on table 7 and does not have time to click on the Top Fünf. As the young people of the GCA approach the sound of the message in the League auf den Kantonsrivalen SG Yellow/Pfadi Espoirs, it’s December 19 as Abschluss des Kalenderjahres zum Kracher en Coupe-Viertelfinal gegen den NLA-Tabellenführer Kadetten Schaffhausen kommt.