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Der Natur un Stimme geben: A duo of artists obtained a purchase price of 15,000 euros

Der Natur un Stimme geben: A duo of artists obtained a purchase price of 15,000 euros

Der Natur un Stimme geben: A duo of artists obtained a purchase price of 15,000 euros
Author: Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Ruetten won the prize for excellence for young artists: in the Sparta “Bildende Kunst und Design” at the hands of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Westphal. Die Feierlichkeiten fanden am vergangenen Sonntag im Dortmunder Rathaus statt. Stéphane Schuetze

Welche Geschichten erzählt uns die Welt, die wir nicht sehen können? Was this inappropriate when flora and fauna are still in dialogue? The artist duo Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten discover the invisible world with multimedia installations at one point. On Sunday, December 8, you will be rewarded for your work with a prize of 15,000 euros from the city of Dortmund for a young artist: hotel.

Innovative art in the Zeitalter of Anthropozäns

The artist duo, since 2016, has strived to realize multimedia installations in complex installations of the natural environment, technological elements and menschlichen elements. The most interesting elements of your business are its own “characters”, which take place as part of manual work on a central roll game: digital tools, through 3D scans, sound effects and tracking movement, as well as organisms or predefined elements. These two elements are zwitterwesen zwischen künstlicher et natürlicher Welt erzählen oder singen über ihre Entstehung, ihr Aussterben or their function in complex ecological systems. Thanks to this multimedia interface, the invisible is applied and offers a new perspective on the environment.___STEADY_PAYWALL___

Ausstellungsansicht “We grow and grow and grow, everything will be fine and this is our show” im Hartware MedienKunstVerein im Dortmunder U Jannis Wiebusch | Photography + Film

The first institutional Einzelausstellung im Hartware MedienKunstVerein im Dortmunder U, “We grow, grow and grow, everything will be fine and this is our show”, presented the Duo 2023 at the Artistic Arts Center. For Laudatorin Pia Wojtys, it is “the Schaffen von Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten an eindrucksvoller Beleg for high artistic quality, die Dortmund zu biten hat. in the House of Artists in Dortmunder Nordstadt.

Dortmund offers a legendary art center

Dr. Pia Wojtys received the commendation, sie ist die Geschäftsführerin from the Künstlerhaus Dortmund, with the Duo in the Atelier hat, Stéphane Schuetze

“Dortmund has old Türen geöffnet and bietet eine lebendige Kunstszene, die von derichen industrialn geschichte und zukunftsweisenden technon geprägt ist,” says Wojtys in his celebration. This influence is also realized in the artistic work of the duos. Die Balance zwischen Vergangenheit et Zukunft werde aufgegriffen, cultural et technologische Facetten der Region spielten einen Rolle.

Thus, the artists were operated by the Fraunhofer Institute for material flow and logistics, working on the flora and fauna of industrial ruins with other Hoesch-Gelände and the Kokerei Hansa et arbeiteten zur Emscher, from Dortmund ausgehend durch das Ruhrgebiet fließt.

The Oberbürghermeister Westphal has the best title: “The Förderpreis zeigt, was a Nachwuchskraft in dieser Stadt sichtbar ist – like the vielfältig and the new our culture in Dortmund ist. »

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Künstlerische Intelligenz baut neue Brücken: Zwischen Nordstadt, Natur und Neophyten