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Stützle über die Senators, den Trainer et das Leben in Ottawa

Stützle über die Senators, den Trainer et das Leben in Ottawa

Das Entscheidende in seinem Entwicklungsprozess sei gewesen, im Eins-gegen-Eins länger die Scheibe zu halten et Raum für seine Mitspieler zu schaffen. “The defensive war of the Wichtigste, the new system is as simple as possible in my Kopf zu bekommen,” he said. All das versuche er, in sein Spiel einzubringen. “Ich hoffe natürlich, dass das weiterhin klappt.”

The games will take place today in the first game of the playoffs

The Senators have already appeared in Stanley Cup playoff games. The 2020 players as Number-3-Pick in the Draft zum Team kam, were written once again in a final match in North America.

The businessman expresses himself in this personal thought: “I see my great Teil of the Mannschaft and I also do it with the Verantwortung, when and it was not functional. I mean, I’m the best at working and making kids die in their school and I ask them other things. » Ohnehin has a positive message: “I will celebrate our team, our management and our trainer. We have a very good team and I am happy, dass wir knapp davorstehen, also mal Siegesserien hizulegen.“

Revenge in Anaheim

In this season, the Senators will not be outnumbered more than two back games. The score was changed at 2:4 to the New York Islanders. Next up is Mittwoch (7:30 p.m. ET,, 1:30 a.m.) against the Anaheim Ducks.

On December 1, there was the last Aufeinandertreffen under Ottawa den Kaliforniern with 3:4 n. P. “Anaheim hat auf jeden Fall eine gute Truppe,” says Stützle. “It’s a young team with old players who have offensive strategies. But I think that when we play our game like in the Letzten Partien, we will be auf jeden Fall gewinnen.