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Fit during Winter: This effective protection provides 4 advantages

Fit during Winter: This effective protection provides 4 advantages

Effective construction
Das passiert, wenn Sie toglich aine Bear Plank üben

Frau macht Plank-Variante: Das passiert, wenn Sie täglich aine Bear Plank üben

© Jacob Lund / Adobe Stock

You start using Bauchmuskulatur music and you can den unteren Rücken vor Schmerzen schützen. This is also possible when you incorporate the Bear Plank into your workout.

Fitness Expert: We are always more comfortable, which is a stable and sharper core, also our license. Die beinhaltet on a page of the Bauchmuskulatur, on other pages under Rücken. However, if you have any questions, you may, or may not, have left the left and right sides of the door open.

An ideal element for perfect assembly and adjustment is the Bear Plank. The Eigengewichtsübung begins with Rumpf – and the last one occurs easily in the Alltag einbauen.

Bear Plank Illustration: It's about missing a Bear Plank.

The Bear Plank is an effective core tool.

© lioputra / Adobe Stock

Fitness activities: 4 green blues, with a bear board on hand

1. If you need equipment

When the Bear Plank is worked with the clean products, it can also be used with products or products. A company always has the right to ensure its security and ease of practice.

2. If you activate Bauchmuskulatur

With the Bear Plank, we offer you all our Core, as well as Bauch and Basement. I train crunches or sit-ups here, but also the most intense strength exercises.

3. Sie schützt den Rücken

The tiefen coaches The musculature is ausserdem wichtig, um die Wirbelsäule zu schützen et den unteren Rücken zu stabilisieren. A more striking core is one that has schmerzen and verspannungen for all the subs vorzubeugen. Also the Schultern and the Brustmuskeln müssen bei der Bear Plank arbeiten, sodass der obere Bereich des Rumpfes ebenfalls wird.

4. You reduce the risk of deletion

Student However, Core-Übungen like Bear Plank are not able to offer complex sports classes and training activities, thereby minimizing the risks associated with the activities. Another strong argument, our dear with this simple, but effective to help you get started and protect yourself.

Bauchübung Bear Plank: So geht’s

And so, you can easily and safely use the Bear Plank:

So you can see the variation of the Plank corrected.

© Bulgakov / Adobe Stock

  1. Start with a life stand auf den Zehenspitzen mit geflexten Füßen. Drücken Sie mit den Händen in den Boden, um die Schulter- und Brustmuskulatur zu aktivieren. Spannen Sie die Gesäßmuskulatur an.
  2. Activieren Sie nonn die Bauchmuskulatur et heben Sie die Knie einige Zentimeter vom Boden. Halten Sie dabei Ihren Kopf in Verlängerung der Wirbelsäule.
  3. Stop the Bear Plank for 20 seconds. I will be sure if the language remains in the final situation. Langfristig sind three Sets à 60 Sekunden ein guter Richtwert.

See which:
