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Linkedin pusht Videoreichweite: To enjoy the TikTok-ähnlichen video stream

Linkedin pusht Videoreichweite: To enjoy the TikTok-ähnlichen video stream

Seit a Monaten können Linkedin-User auf un Video-Feed à la Setzen TikTok. Darin zeigen Brands, Creator and nicht zuletzt HR-Verantwortliche in Kurzvideoform, where trends and themes are described. In the app, the stream is available on a video icon directly in the navigation list.

Während einige Creator excels these formats a huge Reichwetensteigerung erfahren, you can also watch videos directly in your mobile home feed.

Linkedin content like on YouTube? Video-Views zeugen von erfolgreichen Bewegtbildinhalten

Social media expert Lindsey Gamble has a new video feature that makes formats relevant for now. You can easily see a user and creator watching videos. These round trips are not direct with the mobile video feed, but they are also available in the home feed to display videos. The announcement is made on the broadcast as on YouTube. But now the View window is not directly in the Shorts tab to see, but also in the Longform content and in the feed.

This means that the View-Anzeige of Social Proof can be seen, therefore Gamble. Popular videos can be animated by the user, independently when creating the image formats to use. Immerhin sind (Kurz-)Videos sur Linkedin derzeit einer der größten Wachstumsfaktoren. Laut Business Insider is here to see the Creator now and now German Wachstum in Bezug auf the Zahl der Follower et hinsichtlich des Commitments. This business is done Hand in hand with the best LinkedIn, broadcast videos and unique user brands for creating animations.

In our Übersicht findest of various Hinweise so, as Linkedin videos are created, they are truly Australian aufolg haben.

Warum Videos on Linkedin also for what interests you

Take advantage of Kurz video integration on Linkedin for great organized growth potential. Today, the video feed is the most used, like the Shorts tab on YouTube or the For You feed on TikTok. Zudem rät Linkedin sogar dazu, Content, der also for other Plattformen produces words, on the Business-Plattform wiederzuverwerten.

We offer you a number of tips in articles dedicated to creating links for video creation and for Linkedin. Golden Dabei: You only have two seconds for the hook, the earliest possible after 15 seconds of mental planning and less than two minutes of duration. This is a chance to access the video feed (from Linkedin will be available).

Social media users perform analytics on LinkedIn at 60 hours of their programming time with video reception – on Facebook and Instagram, which falls to 60 hours of programming time on Reels. This is the most advanced video version of the business platform. For internal support we have another additional indication, this one is mine LinkedIn Post for Entrepreneurs’ B2Believe Event in Berlin I am sowie Podcast with Niklas Fazlercontent and marketing consultant, Linkedin creativity expert.

There are new concepts that have been created, where the formatting of the latest tests – videos and carousels are also combined – and which allows different emotions to be expressed. This will allow you to get more video content on Linkedin in search. Brands and people want to experiment and are unsure in the B2B sector, their Reichweite mit Bewegtbild optimieren. And Niklas Fazler said:

“It’s not true, I’m in these new stories that I find. I say it, it’s true, the stories, the truth in past affairs, better darzustellen.“

With Video-Storytelling for more information – for brands and Microsoft documents themselves

Dass Linkedin die Videos nicht aus rem altruismus gegenüber Creatorn et Brand-Verantlichen pusht, dürfte den Branchenteilnehmer: innen klar sein. One day, Microsoft touches and videos were released – for all TikToks, shorts and reels – and the cultural culture over the last year took place at the 9:16 Awards. For another man, more creators and brands on the platform, the duration is not greater in an HR and Businesskontext. So I think Fazler too:

“Linkedin will be even more present in a news feed! »

Schon jetzt hat Linkedin über eine Milliarde Mitglieder; and it’s more and more creators from other dazu platforms. We believe Microsoft invented this new video context to create currency. Denn Linkedin has planned new services, particularly for video. So this is an overview of the video views campaign for Accelerate.

With the KI-based Accelerate tool, an automated campaign campaign is carried out and in the beta version it is available with ease, allowing the creation of new single image ads in video ads and in-line documentary ads.

Auch im B2B-Bereich ist Video for viele das Format der Wahl – et das zu Recht. So there are 58% of people from LinkedIn at that time B2B Marketing Benchmark Report Befragten B2B Marketer an, ass ihr Short Form Content den top ROI erzielt – 69 Prozent planen, im kommenden Jahr noch stärker auf Video inhalte zu setzen, deren stellenwert sur Linkedin stetig steigt.

Henrik Ihlo, director of Linkedin Marketing Solutions DACH, is featured in an article for, such as Marken Vertrauen aufbauen and Kaufentscheidungen beeinflussen, as well as with videos in Storytelling format:

“The Einkaufsprozess im B2B-Bereich wird zunehmend complexer et bezieht viele Stakeholder ein. It is very long, the products B2B-Kaufentscheidungen meist auf Basis mentaler Verfügbarkeit getroffen werden – the brand must be at the heart of the Zeitpunkt des Kaufs. This is why the Käufergruppen über verschiedene Touchpoints kontinuierlich anzusprechen.

We carry out commercial activity in the world of agriculture and activity in the B2B sector – with art and business, such as Marken Vertrauen in half of their construction companies and corporate training, which allows them to stand. Authentic, brilliant and versatile storytelling, made by experts: inside it is my vision of school in a safe place, which is in an intensive wet market.

The article is that of Niklas Lewanczik from the editorial staff of and I will be a Rahmen a content cooperation auf t3n veröffentlicht.

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