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Fight-Flight-Freeze: to regulate your nervous system

Fight-Flight-Freeze: to regulate your nervous system

“I don’t know Anders” – Your nervous system can use the Grund sein, warum Sie manchmal die Kontrolle verlieren. Wie Sie es en den Griff kriegen, erkläre ich here.

Frau breitet Arme aus, Spaziergang im Schnee
Space in nature can create wonders at the level of the nervous system and masses of energy that will help you to be more comfortable and trauma-free – Depositphotos

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

  • The nervous system is regulated by Denken, Fühlen and Handeln.

  • Fight-Flight-Freeze mode uses the Frontal Cortex “offline”.

  • Ladung ist gespicherte Energie im Nervensystem.

Gehen Sie manchmal schon bei der kleinsten Kleinigkeit an die Decke et fragen sich innerher, was bloss in Sie gefahren ist? In order to allow yourself to do it or overload it, have you ever frozen yourself and can you do it now?

Keine Sorge, Sie sind damit nicht allein! And for all this, there are five characterschwäche, which allow a normal reaction of your nervous systems.

In the last months, the Wissenschaft will immerse better, like our nervous system auf Stress and the trigger is responsive. These revolutionary tools are not in psychotherapy, but they are as effective as we have learned to use more effective techniques in balancing and controlling our emotions.

Aufklärung ist die half Miete

Doch das eigentlich Spannende daran: This new wisdom is not longer auf Therapie-Räume beschränkt. Immer more menschen lernen gerade, wie sie sie your Nervensystem im Alltag regularen et särken können – durch somatische et spiritual practices.

Pay attention to the activity, implementation, or role of the Frontal Cortex in focusing. Sind der Schlüssel, um besser zu verstehen, wie eng nosere emotionsen et körperlichen Reaktionen miteinander verwoben sind.

Klaro, müssen Sie also das üben. But when you have first had time to realize it and you have realized it, you will be in the fall of trauma and as you have done it, I will tell you: this is your life that will unfold.

Das Nervensystem and central Seine Rolle

The Nerven system, better known as Gehirn, Rückenmark and a single Nerven network, describes the biological group according to Denkens, Fühlens and Handelns. It’s regular everywhere, vom Herzschlag bis zur emotionsen Reaktion auf Stress.

Vogel auf dem Ast, Winter
The nervous system is like an Ästen network – which is completely within everyone’s reach, and the nature and usefulness – are applied. -Unsplash

Bessel van der Kolk engaged in his book The Body Keeps the Score, psychic thought having not a single page of Gedanken and Gefühlen, ringing in our heart and inserting into our nervous system.

Trauma caused to the back of the spine in our body and our body often dies during work done on the nervous system.

Action and Fight-Flight-Freeze mode

Traumatische Erlebnisse and Chronischer Stress Bringen das Nervensystem autonomous aus dem Gleichgewicht. Die Folge: eine erhöhte Aktivierung, die sich in Anspannung, Unruhe oder Überforderung zeigt. In schwereren Fällen cann es sogar zu Panikattacken, Shockstarre or Suchtverhalten kommen.

This activity relies on the encoder in effective Fight-Flight-Freeze mode, an evolving response at the suspension level. The mobilized mode of combat Energy For the Angriff, flight mode can be used for flight and freeze mode for setup, when flight is possible to the Kampf.

Während these Reaktionen in akuten Gefahrensituationen überlebenswichtig sind, können sie bei anhaltender Aktivierung problematisch werden. The seller is present in an alarm stand, as well as in symptoms like AnguishSchlaflosigkeit or Erschöpfung äussert.

For everyone, when man dies Energy nicht körperlich abaut durch Tätigkeiten, die Entladung erlauben. Please note that the Blocks: Hexenschuss, Verspannungen und Schmerzen aller Art.

Loading: Wenn der Zug Fahrt aufnimmt

In this Zusammenhang you will see the “Ladung” which is an entscheidende Rolle. Ladung describes death EnergyThe action is taken by the Nervesystem.

Tannenezapfen, winter
A good way to use the nervous system to “charge” is through orientation, so you can see the details in your setup. – unblock

When a trigger – also a trigger or an inner feeling, another stimulated trauma – can die like a Zug work, the Fahrt aufnimmt. A trigger is activated by the nervous system managed by a feeding mechanism and an ereignis vergangenes, so that it is optimally funded.

This action is possible auf and can – without regulation – “by the bridge which is his”, in uncontrollable emotions or uncontrollable human reactions. This dynamic puts the nervous system in an art line, which prevents us from doing it or making it react.

These are the Frontal Cortex, the Space of Gehirns, Denken logics, Entscheidungsfindung and Realitätsprüfung zuständig, regelrecht “offline” geschaltet, like Stephen Porges in his own polyvagal theory.

In the meantime, when people are in trouble, they often don’t have to worry about the current situation reacting to the situation, you can find out more about it.

In Zug anhalten: Zurück en den präfrontalen Cortex

A center of advanced work with the nervous system consists of this “Zug” anzuhalten and the Ladung schrittweise abzubauen. Nervous systems assist in the activation of regulation and management of the frontal cortex. Yes, this is the case, the Körper aus dem Zustand der Alarmbereitschaft in einen Zustand von Sicherheit et Ruhe zu führen.

The Spiritual Lehrerin Orama specializes in the treatment of the nervous system and takes care of your students and clients. German Ausbilderin have a shopping center in Ibiza and read to you here (and online) in seminars, private sessions and fortbildungen, where technicians can help you.

Techniques such as grounding or somatic elements explain this process. When Zug, through the Aktivierung Fahrt aufgenommen hat, rechtzeitig gestoppt wird, will learn the nervous system, nicht jedes Mal in dieselben Muster von Fight, Flight or Freeze zu fall.

Vereister Ast
Die Natur hat heilende Kräfte. Gehen Sie raus, so often it is geht. -Unsplash

You can also find something, if it’s what it is Nature zu verbinden. Now you can, we’ll leave the Handy House in your house and you’ll find out if you’re here.

Did you see that? Was it hören, riechen or schmecken Sie? The Mensch is a Teil der Nature and students belegen immer and immer wieder, dass Menschen, die sich bewusst in die Nature begeben, ausgeglichener sind.

Somatische Ansätze zur Regulatory

Somatische Ansätze bieten direkte Möglichkeiten, um die Ladung im Körper zu erkennen et zu regularen. A similar method is that of “orientation”, within the Aufmerksamkeit auf die Umgebung gerichtet wird.

Even if you do not have any warnings or warnings about the objects you are using, you must signal them without warning, but you may not be able to do so properly. The amygdala is the origin of the amygdala and exercises the frontal cortex, helping to control the übernehmen.

Grounding-Übungen, as barfuss auf der Erdé zu stehen, fördern eine tiefe Verbindung zum Körper und helfen, überschüssige Ladung abzubauen. Studies like that of Ruth Lanius have determined that the stress hormone is regulated in heart rate and rate variability.

Another thing, thanks to all the technologies, the Augen sanft nach oben and the indications on the reels, was the Parasympathikus aktiviert and Entspannung fördert.

Spiritual Ansätze als Ergänzung

Spiritual Ansätze wie YogaMeditation and Qigong have another dimension in the work of the nervous system. Authentic Hatha Yoga Combine Bewegung, Atmung and Achtsamkeit and fördert eine ganzheitliche Balance 2swischen Körper and Geist.

Meditation, inserted in the form of such work, supports the movement of the frontal cortex, independently of the limbic system and the focus on the high and long term.

Woman meditating in the Schnee
In certain situations, meditation can help you, the nervous system being in place – if you are not (more) with a negative situation aufgeladen sind. -Unsplash

Deb Dana commits in her book, this practice is not at her service, the work of regulation, sounds as long as the Fähigkeit stärken, mit Stress and Triggern umzugehen.

A paradigm tool in psychotherapy

The practical set for these answers is solid. So study therapies adapted to post-traumatic trauma (PTBS) and health care that are often effective and reinforce cognitive methods.

Peter Levine, the entrepreneur of somatic experiencing, is present in his work and has integrated this technology to help with trauma therapy, care of the body and the nervous system to regulate them.

Der Körper als Schlüssel zur Heilung

Working with the nervous system is even more of a trend – it is a paradigmatic tool in psychotherapy. On the other hand, as activity, loading and the frontal cortex are engaged, you can find new things that can be caused by chronic stresses.

Bessel van der Kolk quickly expresses himself: “Man muss sich mit dem Körper versöhnen, um die Seele zu heilen”. The path to mental thought extends beyond the heart – and here creates the potential for major transformation.

Judith Heede is a German author who has worked intensively with the mental theme Gesundheit auseinandersetzt for 20 years. The ausgebildete journalist currently works for the versatile media and arbeitet als Lebensberaterin und ganzheitlicher Coach mit den Schwerpunkten Trauma und Sucht.

Neben ihrer praktischen Arbeit erweitert Judith Heede ihr Wissen in akademischen Kontexten. You will be enrolled in the Master-Events zu Trauma, psychischer Gesundheit et Wohlbefinden at the University of Oxford and studied here in psychology in a Rahmen a “Certificate of Higher Education”.