
Mondor Festival

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Unternehmer, investor and chairman of THE GROW, Bernhard Schindler, in an interview • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

Unternehmer, investor and chairman of THE GROW, Bernhard Schindler, in an interview • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

Die wirtschaftliche Lage Deutschlands is the first. A high energy price, a schmerzhafter Fachkräftemangel, stagnierende Innovationen and the same language Digitalisierung machen das Land im internationalen Wettbewerb zunehmend schwächer. The Konjunktur is very massive, while the Bureau has a more important role to play. A decision does not extend to the horizon, it is real – with the tools, the work facilities and the companies managed. Often they are also apart from the Großkonzerne themselves, even if they live long-term with themselves. The combination of multiple solutions and new solutions in politics and in circles is a recipe for ruin for Germany’s stand.

WRITING: Should this be done for politics? Welche Maßnahmen erwarten Sie von a new Regierung?

Bernhard Schindler: The policy must be implemented and enforced before substances are applied. The following diagrams have several options and interesting information:

Steuerliche Entlastungen für Unternehmen: Die Abgabenlast ist eine Fessel, die Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Dynamik erstickt. Entries must be carried out in a timely manner – with a lot of business and professionalism.

Radikaler Bürokratieabbau: Idede Stunde, die Unternehmen mit Papierkram und Dokumentationen statt mit Wertschöpfung verringen, kostet Wachstum. Es muss Schluss sein mit endlosen Genehmigungsverfahren – Deutschland braucht pragmatische Lösungen.

Several intensive investments in digitalization and infrastructure: Our Konkurrenz aus anderen Volkswirtschaften clings to our technology, which is in the Verlieren Streitigkeiten. A kraftvoller Aufbruch digital device is überfällig.

Labor market reform: The Fachkräftemangel must embark on a political process of development and a qualification program. The Wirtschaft cannot be warned, but politics is discussed.

Energy policy with a clearer strategy and with people: specific subsidies eliminate structural problems. Bezahlbare, nachhaltige Energieversorgung braucht langfristige Planung et entschlossenes Handeln.

WRITING: What if the Arbeit der Ampelregierung rückblickend?

Bernhard Schindler: The Ampelkoalition has more planning possibilities with security strategies and strong strategies. Statt gemeinsamer Lösungen werden partyipolitische Eitelkeiten ausgetragen. A number of projects have been designed to carry out reform work that results in reforms. The Regierung must be so fragile, because it is important in the great war, the Geschicke Deutschlands zu lenken – or is not yet in the Zeit for a new generation of people. This is the political life of political society, which is not for you.

WRITING: How lucky are you to live in the United States? How come systemic rivalry with China is on the agenda?

Bernhard Schindler: The US government is working on Germany’s overall strategy, but the cooperation strategy is within the framework of China policy. Systemic rivalry is real and lies beyond the wet business tradition. Germany must act in such a way that a dual geopolitical bloc is managed – and a comprehensive implementation strategy is possible. Politics is preparing here for a reward and a Duckmäuser strategy. I am convinced that Trump viele Fehler came with them to hear Gunsten hear them. Indeed, Falle braucht es ein stärkeres europäisches Bewusstsein et plus eigenständiges Handeln.

WRITING: What is the work of civil society groups? Are you looking for this general information and THE GROW im Besonderen?

Bernhard Schindler: Verbände dürfen nicht nur net Diskussionsclubs sein. If you are interested in the interests of your business, you will be able to do so, over and over again. Sowohl THE GROW as well as the various civil society organizations and resident family organizations have had möglichkeit, through loud and clear lobbying, providing impetus for action – society is now and above all.

WRITING: Please note that the Bundestagswahl of your country is not the same as the previous ones. How come you are in the unique campaigns?

Bernhard Schindler: Die Zeit für Stillstand ist vorbei. Leaders and bands engage in political debates, candidates for the Rechenschaft and Wähler on political priorities aufklären. Wahlkampf bedeutet, mit clair Sprache et gezielten Maßnahmen die Richtung zu beeinflussen. The Einmischung der Organizationen der Wirtschaft in den Wahlkampf is a tiger like jemals zuvor.

WRITING: Who is sindvoll sind Gespräche mit Politikern? Versteht die Politik die Anliegen der Unternehmen?

Bernhard Schindler: In the old days, politicians have no power, as do old businessmen. Dialogue is what happens – but that’s when it’s those Taten who are there. The standards of politics for the political world must be taken into account through studies, facts and best practices of awareness. It is a very economical Wissen. It is true that politics is a real ideology. Die Zeit für “Weiter so” ist vorbei – Germany tackles Handeln conflicts and a political policy, the Ernst du Lage versteht et nicht nur in Debatten verharrt.

By Bernhard Schindler

Unternehmer, investor and chairman of THE GROW, Bernhard Schindler, in an interview • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

Bernhard Schindler on the south terrace

Bernhard Schindler is an investor, multipreneur, geborener Verkäufer, Buchautor, Hochschuldozent (INU), Vortragsredner, moderator sowie leidenschaftlicher Netzwerker and Match-Maker. In his first start-up, Bernhard Schindler led his B2B-Vertriebserfahrung company. A start-up finds itself in the Weltmarktführer twice in a year – with a sudden exit. Sein drittes Start-up Schaffte es in nur 15 Monaten zu einer 10-Millionen-Euro-Bewertung.

This unique educational approach is the basis of THE GROW, the innovative Business Club of Europe, by Bernhard Schindler within the framework of Coronazeit. Dem Club has 900 players and one international player. THE GROW is an ecological system for the European environment. THE GROW is its own magazine that offers 200 events per year and is available with THE GROW app and THE GROW TV in a million publications. Zudem verbindet THE GROW die Innovationskraft von Start-ups mit derfahrung et Finanzkraft establishes par Mittelständler. Bernhard Schindler is the student of the Bachelor THE GROW and the graduate school THE GROW Academy mit den Schwerpunkten SDG/ESG, Brand & Marketing, New Sale, Network and Intrapreneurship.

In the book “Hinterfotzigkeit vs. Ehrlichkeit” can be found in the seiner Schindler Akademie wirbt er für Networking et ehrenhafte Geschäfte auf Augenhöhe. Ersteht für Werte und Nachhaltigkeit, nicht für das schnelle Geld. In your network and in your contact you will find exclusive services in the “Schindler Circle”.

Bernhard Schindler is responsible for Krisen’s interventions for Freistaat Bayern and Botschafter von Kinderlachen e. v.

The experts working on the topics of innovation, the innovation market and the company’s support activities, as well as the editor and moderator, are Bernhard Schindler who takes care of the host of the discussions and major projects.

Further information is available under And


  • Bernhard Schindler on the south terrace: THE GROW GmbH
  • Bernhard Schindler: THE GROW GmbH