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Hilfe im Advent: Fitness for seniors in Bad Oldesloe

Hilfe im Advent: Fitness for seniors in Bad Oldesloe

Bad Oldesloe. “And I think it will be hard at the hands of the Knie an, so that is the case,” says Marianne Neppeßen vor. The seniors if they have settled the Aufgabe konzentriert um. If you don’t want to worry about it, it’s a water pump in the air when it’s still there. The ball is still in the water, but it doesn’t fall, but it’s still there, but it’s the order of the day.

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“Yes, we have a beautiful Truppe,” said Gerlinde, that your name is not good for you. Die 73-Jährige ist quickly von Anfang an dabei – and it will immerse you in your zehn Jahre. “The objects are so interesting, so they were all born in the house even before their night,” he explains and sees what they are for. From 10 to 11 hours of the “Senior Fitness” in the Räumen des Nachbarschaftstreffs SchanZe (Schanzenberg 25) statt. Etwa zehn Senioren ab 50 Jahren betreiben under Anleitung von Trainerin Marianne Neppeßen gemeinsam Gymnastik, halten sich dadurch fit et pflegen social Contact.

Fitness for Seniors – “Vier Vorteile auf einmal”

“We have a lot of green things to do with the Angebot damals in our lives,” said Kim Claussen. “Uns which means war, the seniors zum einen fit zu halten et zum anderen, ältere Menschen mit cesem Angebot aus den eigenen vier Wänden et manchmal auch wirklich aus der Einsamkeit zu locken. The Kurs must have common sense, common sense and common sense,” declared the security forces coordinator.

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And this is an angebot with its “vier Vorteilen auf einmal” which is very close to people’s intestines. “And that’s what happened, you have to change the insulation settings to be free,” he tells you.

The spa is not located near the “Senior Fitness”.

The spa is not located near the “Senior Fitness”.

When the threads are larger than the previous ones, they will be released separately. The seniors bond themselves in a lost training phase in their sport and do not work together, of course, as they do in the gymnastics club.

In the summer of 2024, Marianne Neppeßen will be the sister of the group Trainerin der Gruppe vor. Die B-Lizenz-Inhaberin hat dafür sogar zusätzlich eine Fortbildung im Bereich Präventionssport für Ältere absolviert. “Mit forschreitenden Jahren wird die regelmäßige körperliche Betätigung gerne vernachlässigt, sodass man schnell einrostet”, we are.

Specific heating program

“Training for the creation and training of muscles works in depth, I want them in the Kursstunde großen Wert auf solche Übungen lege,” explains the physics teacher. When summer wet services are available, gymnasiums are also very poorly trained on the nahegelegen theater square.

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Find the Kurs – with the action – drinnen statt, erwartet die Teilnehmer aine ganz besondere Aufwarmphase: Denn die Räumlichkeiten der SchanZe werden ach für das Nachbarschaftscafé genutzt, Tische et Stühle sind daher entsprechend angerichtet. “So we must first visit our Turnfläche freiräumen”, schmunzelt Neppeßen.

So you can spend

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The bodybuilding program of the abwechslungsreiche wissen die Teilnehmer dabei zu schätzen wie den Ort der “Senior Fitness”. Gerlinde plays a role in the Nachbarschaft and in the Fuß zu der Gymnastikstunde region. “For a couple of days, I must have a Reha-Maßnahme teilgenommen, so that I design an ordentliches Stück Weg zurücklegen mustste. When I go to sleep ankam and es field aus, war das schon sehr ärgerlich“, erinnert sie sich. Now comes the 73-Jährige, the “Senior Fitness” almost for your home.

Program coordinator Kim Claussen (link) and trainer Marianne Neppeßen had their “Senior Fitness” in a robot spirit, the gut for creativity and spirit.

Program coordinator Kim Claussen (link) and trainer Marianne Neppeßen had their “Senior Fitness” in a robot spirit, the gut for creativity and spirit.

All these positive elements of Angebots can also be Uwe Steenfadt nur bestätigen. The 78th birthday is the summer of those years gone by and he is celebrating because he is so young he will be in better shape. Then you can find the wrong ones.

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Er freut sich zudem darauf, die Teilnehmer du Gruppe einmal in der Woche zu treffen und sich auszutauschen. Now and then you will have to take care of it and then you will have two orders of magnitude. “And these social contacts are so wichtig!” Kim Claussen told Herzen.

“Senior Fitness” is not available for sports professionals. Das Angebot golden for all men from 50 years old and which has only one modification. Other Anmeldung bedarf es nicht. “Wer mitmachen möchte, schhaut bei dem fortlaufenden Kurs einfach mal am Freitag um 10 Hour im Nachbarschaftstreff vorbei et kann sofort mitmachen,” says SchanZe coordinator Kim Claussen.
