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KI-Update Deep-Dive: KI-Agenten as best Kundenkontakt

KI-Update Deep-Dive: KI-Agenten as best Kundenkontakt


Salesforce is there for software, through the agency board that can do it. The world’s two largest software companies are also turning to communications platform Slack and Tableau to create analytics software. Artificial intelligence is not available for Salesforce for the first time with ChatGPT comments and the big hype on generated themes. Liesel Klokkers, Senior Director of Solutions Engineering, participated in this deep dive into KI’s own answers. If you’re also up for anything, your company’s KI agents have an important role in the corporate world and Salesforce hallucinations help you prevent them.

Eigenwerbung Fachdienst heise KI PRO

Eigenwerbung Fachdienst heise KI PRO

For Salesforce, you will find installing KI with a well-known KI provider, using ChatGPT. “Da ging es darum, aus bestehenden Datenmengen Vorhersagen zu treffen,” Klokkers said. Damit sei etwa die Umsatzplanung validiert worden. The generative KI is an operator itself created in the form of a chatbot created by humans via the Slack Zugriff hat. So all internal interns are able to make Salesforce a clean Einstein app, as well as a clean chatbot. There are also no KI agents that use a platform called Agentforce. “The process of adapting an unglaublich scheme, although man has the management, with man Softwarelösungen live can bring live, on a new basis stellt.” As soon as women checked out the platform, they joined Salesforce with over 200 big numbers, which are still in the buckets.

Laut Klokkers talks about three major KI-Wellen: “The KI prädiktive. I have a starting date and I can base you on the results of your research, the next big actions will be possible.” Then seien die Copiloten gekommen, “die geholfen haben, Dinge zusammenzufassen, Texte zu erstellen, Inhalte im Unternehmen zusammenzusuchen.” And no, says Klokkers, as KI agents say, “they do not have access to information and support services, they themselves have control over the basis of this information, they have it themselves defined.” Das Versprechen von Salesforce et als KI-Anbietern: Agenten nehmen die lästigen Aufgaben ab, Mitarbeiter sich auf die creativen et spannenden Prozesse konzentrieren. Agents sollen die repetitiven Aufgaben self-ständig erledigen können, allerdings immer mit dem Menschen Hand in Hand. “Müssen wir un um Arbeitsplätze sorgen?” Klokkers said, Kunden berichten ici, dass sie für die Aufgaben, die jetzt Agenten übernehmen, zuvor gar keine Mitarbeiterinnen et Mitarbeiter gefunden hätten.

Who is intelligent, is artistic intelligence proper? Did Welche Folgen generate KI for our work, our work and our society? I’m “KI-Update” from Heise which brings you the same with The Decoder which uses updates for the main KI applications. Free labels are provided by experts behind the look of the KI-Revolution.

Customers offer an illustration of a chatbot, one of the business contacts, which helps to realize automation and a KI agent project. For a chatbot to be created, it must be “anti-zipped by hand, so that the fragments are an object, so that this chatbot is used, and all these possible possibilities are programmed.” This is one of the steps set for all possible downfalls before the celebratory words. Sogenannte Large Action Models können das “auto-analyses, was die Aufgabe ist and aus vorgegebenen Actions auch einen Ausführungsplan erstellen, et eigenständig entscheiden, wie muss ich ich ich an Aufgabe erledigen.” Laut Klokkers is KI-Agenten dadurch sehr viel “mächtiger” et vor german “more flexible”. You will find information on dates – and essential elements in structured documents within, also in a hand system, which will also be available as unstructured basic documents, which will also be available as PDF. The dates were published by Salesforce in the Cloud in record time. Zugleich gives the treatment options, the KI agents for the implementation are available to help you. Soll am Ende ja zufriedener aus dem Chat herausgehen als bisher.
