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Antikriegsspiel This War of Mine: DLC zum 10. The report contains the spending on Ukraine.

Antikriegsspiel This War of Mine: DLC zum 10. The report contains the spending on Ukraine.

The preisgekrönte Antikriegsspiel This War of Mine is 10 days alt. An issue with Feiern not seeing 11 Bit Studios working properly. With a new Charity-DLC, the international human rights organization Poland and Ukraine are supported.

Einnahmen werden gespendet

The Angesichts of the brutal Russian falls of the Ukraine and of Leiden of the Krieges in Osteuropa are the themes of the games which take place there. This is also the case for Publisher and publisher 11 Bit Studios. The recent publication of the latest Indie-Spiels shows the latest news: „Während wir angelichts etauernder Konflikte nicht feiern können, fühlt sich Schweigen gleichermaßen falsch an“, then Entwickler dies. From the start of the Russian offensive in February 2022, 11 Bit Studios created the game, and the situation turned out to be a good deal for both men and women. Insgesamt über 850,000 Euro sind damals zusammengekommen.

Mit der jetzt neu erschienenen Erweiterung Forget Celebrations soll dieser Erfolg wiederholt werden. Very simple, 11 Bit Studios with its DLC for 2.99 euros is available for sale. Freedom Ukraine Foundation, International amnesty, child of warAnd Indie games Poland gespendet.

This War of Mine – Forget the celebrations (Image: 11 Bit Studios)

Inhaltlich verspricht Forget Celebrations eine neue Geschichte in der bekannten Kulisse der kriegsgebeutelten Stadt Pogoren. It is obvious that the information people provide about the documents is provided by these byproducts because of a Raketenangriff that is under the pin.

This War of Mine: Forget Celebrations is a DLC with a new game and exciting events, but for all it is the most fun games, men don’t want to understand.

Nimm die Gelegenheit wahr, der belagerten Stadt Pogoren mit Katia, un erfahrenen Kriegsberichterstatterin et un der Bürgerinnen, le vielleicht noch aus This War of Mine kennst, erneut einen Besuch abzustatten. The DLC began with This Time, Katia Found It, a book about the tragic events of board games created by men with no commitment.

A big Raketenangriff created Katias Haus and brought his work to Stillstand. Please note that this is not the case with the Rettungsteam. Before being instructed, Katia must be looking for help and valuable time for her hardware, in a city of a place where she is, the city of Krieg has arrived.

The Grundspiel is active on Steam And at GoG a very reduced price of only 3.79 euros; The complete edition with allen bisherigen Erweiterungen costs 4.68 euros. The game runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. The system controls are valid for 2024 without the Red Code.

This is my war

My war It is an indie survival game released in January 2014 by 11 Bit Studios. Players do not have soldiers or weapons men, who end up in soldiers’ scrolls and die in a Belgian town in a deserted district. Le Fokus est auf moralisch schwierigen Entscheidungen, comme les Verteilung Knapper Ressourcen ou dem Umgang mit anderen Überlebenden. Inspired by real-life board games, the game offers a unique atmosphere and applies experiences through Krieg’s activities to the level of flight activities.

Kritiker wie auch inzwischen über 60 Tausend „very positive” The reflection on Steam expresses the emotional feelings and innovative gameplay. This War of Mine is golden as one of the best anti-war games. The first time in October, we played the game with a single Special Recognition Award by Amnesty International ausgezeichnet.